Computer Setup


Monitors? Beautiful setup btw.
I like this minimalism - setup. What monitor mount do you use?
They are from a company called AX Accessories.
Could you provide a link? I can't seem to find them, I just run into the Sony HDR camera when I look for these mounts.
Yeah, I found that as well. Thing is that company is CapsaSolutions and he mentions it is AX Accessories.
Very nice, that 27" monitor is tempting. I'm looking into upgrading to a 1440p monitor.
Going from 1080p to 1440p is a much bigger upgrade than I thought.
May be a weird question, but what's up with the lighting in your pictures? It looks as if you have some kind of lamps facing toward red cloth or something. In case I'm not being clear, I'm just curious how you're lighting your room and why, I don't mean to sound like I think it looks bad or anything.
Oh wow, that's pretty nifty. It looks really cool the way you have the lamps hitting them though, and I was curious if it was intentional. It seems, at least to me, like its making the light a lot softer and the room a bit more cozy. Wish I could create the same effect in my room to make it a bit more chill.
Just had a guy tell me that going from 1080 to 1440 isn't that noticeable until you try to go back to 1080... this true? If I drop this kind of $ I'm hoping I'll be blown away.
I use both 1080p and 1440p daily, and I'm always just as impressed when I go from the 1080p screen to the 1440p.
I do a tonne of graphic and video work, and am interested in this. Can you elaborate more on the difference. What is the most obvious, what do you notice later. How is the colour reproduction?
After seeing those headphones, can we get some pictures of your house, too?
At that price, those headphones have a special arm that jerks you off as soon as you pick them up.
The arm is made of solid gold and has a beer tap.
Getting gold poured into your ears would cost significantly less. What they do is get the best engineers from all over the world, and sacrifice them to Slaanesh in return for audio engineer champions to lead the construction of these beautiful apparatus.
That would be horribly painful.
Only for your next of kin.
Thats a different model, they call it the sennheiser "Viserys Targaryen"
I'm guessing he doesn't have any pets
Wow, that almost looked like a render. Really quite a beautiful setup there.
Why HD800 and not electrostatic?
I don't know, I would love to listen to some electrostatics.
"Welcome to headphones and sorry about your wallet."
What headphone amp do you use?
Musical Fidelity M1DAC + M1HPA
THAT sir, is a beautifully sparse setup. Not a lot going on, but all of it extraordinary.
Thank you! I'm all for minimalism :)
Nice! Do you feel like you can get from monitor to monitor just as fast as you can with a regular mouse? Also, the gestures look pretty boss on this thing. Do they speed stuff up day-to-day or are they not as cool as they initially look?
Awesome. I ordered a T650 last week, can't wait for it to get here! :D
How do you like the Logitech T650? I was thinking about getting one for my desktop, but the price tag was a little high.
I have one. I'd be willing to sell it for $40 (or a trade) if you want it. It's just sitting here next to me collecting dust and I have the original packaging.
Also have one, no packaging but also willing to trade. Don't use mine at all. Contact the guy above me first though.
Where are you guys from?
Western Pennsylvania for me.
Those are some expensive do you like them?
As far as headphones go, these are terrific.
Why doesn't bass do well with $1500 dollar headphones?
The HD800 is an audiophile headphone, which means it's frequency response has to be as close to neutral as possible. Most common headphones exaggerate the bass and treble to make it more "fun" sounding, but audiophiles prefer a more natural, lifelike sound, as if the band was performing right there in front of you.
What are you driving them with?
Musical Fidelity M1DAC and M1HPA.
You don't use a mouse? How the heck do you game?
I usually play games with a game pad, but when that doesn't suffice, I just bring my gaming mouse out. :)
Jesus, no letters on the keyboard?!
Touch typing, you get used to it after a few hours with a blank keyboard.
Blind bookmark from my DAS ultimate.
I have the same one! Do you have browns or blues?
Blues, because I love the sound and have an office for myself.
Blind bookmark from my custom WASD Keyboards ;)
I'd only be worried about special characters and buttons like insert.
Those were definitely the biggest difficulty in the start :)
Eventually you'll get to the point where you won't have to look at your keyboard too.
Mine is my first line of defense against the computer illiterate trying to use my computer.
Best thing I ever did was get blank keycaps. Forced me to learn how to type the 'right' way
I never look at the keyboard to type, so I'd never really need anything labelled.
Hole right under keyboard? or did you disconnect the usb cable for the pic?
Yup, right under the keyboard.
Next time put down some masking or blue painters tape then drill the hole to avoid chipping.
What keyboard layout is that? any link to buy the same keyboard?
The layout is Nordic, I believe it's called that, I'm Swedish.
I asked because that's the very same layout we use in Italy and I got pretty sick of using the American layout to use mechanical keyboards with blue switches because, you know, they only ever sell gaming keyboards with black switches here. Thanks for the reply.
Really cool, thanks for the link and the info.
I just got a Ducky Mini from inet recently. They carry blank PBT caps from Ducky (nice thick ones, too!) in case you didn't know!
Tell us more about your gaming rig ! please..
I'm in the process of upgrading the machine, I'll post some pictures of it once I'm done.
Damn that is clean! I like it! :D
The Ducky should be mechanical already.
He has a mechanical keyboard...
Yeah, I could not tell just by looking haha
Thank you very much! :)
That trackpad is the Logitech T650, isn't it? If so, I'm very jealous. I want to buy one but linux support on it is pretty bad.
It is indeed the T650.
Logitech released the T651 for Macs. I'm really not sure why they couldn't have updated the T650 drivers and called it a day.
This is a beautiful setup man. Very clean. Love the minimalist look.
That is one tiny mousepad. Mine is about as big as 6 of those
Don't know if you're being sarcastic. That's not a mouse pad, its a trackpad.
I totally thought it was a mousepad
You have a touchpad that is 6 times this size?
So simple and yet so beautiful.
I have these and I'm looking to swap them for some sandblasted keys or some kind of textured key. I like that they're blank but I don't like how they're kind of glossy. The caps are too smooth for my liking.
I'm not, sorry. I share your sentiment though: the Filco caps when worn aren't terrific.
I as well do prefer the key caps to be a bit textured. Thanks for the link though.
As a Dane I'm happy to have another option when I'm looking for mechanical keyboards and key caps. Thanks a lot!
I like the headphone stand, where can i find one?
I love this headphone stand! I received one for Christmas and it's such a nice display piece. Don't try and take it through airport security, though. I disassembled it and put it in my carry-on and they thought it looked suspicious. When I tried explaining what it was, the TSA agent gave me this look like she was trying to say, "They make these?"
It's the Woo Audio HPS-R, which you can find right here:
That looks awesome! How do you use the trackpad while gaming?
Most of the time, I use a controller for games.
I love the lighting. I love finding other blank key cap users!
This is more of a general question, but what is the big benefit of a tiled monitor? I'm starting my CS bachelor next year and I see a lot of those tilted monitor setups so I am curious what the benefits are and the general usage. Thanks :)
At first, I only had the left monitor pivoted, for coding and portrait photo editing mostly. But I fell in love with pivoted monitors so I decided to get another one.
...unless you have a crappy monitor that color shifts. The monitors I have at work just don't cut it. Some of the guys here still rotate, but it bugs the snot out of me.
Thanks for the reply! It's funny because your setup looks EXACTLY like the setup I had in mind for my room at the university next year. I'm even gonna buy the same galant desk and was thinking of a three monitor setup for coding etc. Could you tell me in what way specifically it woul make my life easier as to coding etc? Would you recommend two pivoted screens? If I don't intend to do portrait stuff, will I still need to buy an IPS panel? Thanks again :) I'm glad I finally have an answer haha.
Wallpapers? That Saturn one looks awesome!
They are all google finds.
Are those monitors worth the price?
When considering the resolution versus a crappy 1920x1080 screen: absolutely.
How do you like those speakers? and also, whats their name again I forgot
They are the B&W MM-1's. Great little things, definitely worth the price tag.
Cool, thanks! They look great
I wonder what playing an FPS game with the trackpad would be like, or just any game in general.
The headphone stand. Did it come with the headphones or did you get it somewhere else. I've been looking for something similar.
I got the headphone stand from Woo Audio
Why is envryone buying Dell monitors for their gaming setups? I always beleived BenQ ones (144Hz, 1ms latency) were the best for gaming, as they are quite used in eSports competitions.
Different strokes for different folks.
But are those displays specials ? Because I see them very often. Are they cheap ? Is the color rendering good ? Something to do with the bezel ? I don't understand !
Where are the monitor wires? o.0
The stands have a great built in cable managing system. :)
It looks like your desktop speakers are Bang and Olufsen. I would hardly considder them just OK sound!
The speakers are Bowers and Wilkins MM1. Also he has HD800's which are $1000+.
I give you a hundred internets for such a cool setup. What's the arm being used? Tempted to get one and gives me an excuse to add another 24" on the other side!
The arm is an AX Accessories AX2000 for the right screen, the left and middle are the AX2200 double arm.
Ah so two individual arms. In that case I can make do by using an additional 2 Ergotron MX arms I reckon. Nice thanks!
The keyboard is called: Ducky G2Pro Tenkeyless MX Blue ABS Black
... and I've already saved that headphone stand for a future purchase. The B&W MM1s have been on my to-buy list for a while.
Both are great products. I really can't grasp how they can fit such a huge sound in such small speaker.
Right now, I'm using my 8 y/o Creative T20s. Cost me $100 (big money for an 8th grader), and they still sound solid so I never got around to upgrading. Unfortunately, my father's stereo system (comprising a dozen hand-built Martins) and my own entertainment system (9 Polks) are making it increasingly difficult to resist the MM1s. Just have to hold out until I graduate and start work full-time...
Your ducky is wireless then or something? If so, how?
The cable is routed through a hole I drilled in my table. :)
This is maybe my favourite Gaming setup ever posted on here. Probably because I wish I could be this tidy :)
Very nice and clean setup.
I can't live without at least one landscaped monitor.
My buddy is looking at those desktop speakers. Any chance you can elaborate on them?
First of all, how the fudge did they fit such a huge sound in such a small speaker?!
Now you just nee a TIE fighter wallpaper!
What's the point of a blank keyboard?
HD 800s and MM-1's? You lucky soul. You have my dream set up.
Because of my ocd, I'm in favor of the minimalist style as well, a work of art indeed. Good job!
The speakers are pure bliss, you won't be disappointed.
Freakin' awesome work, man. Would love to have that setup.
Thank you very much! :)
For these types of do you deal with those odd characters that you don't know where they are.
It was a struggle, at first, coding got really difficult the first few days with blank key caps.
Fuck man, you're hardcore. I mean, I know my keyboard like the back of my hand but even I wouldn't go for one like that.
What do you use for a microphone?
Don't use one, I'm more of a single player gamer.
Did you build those red panels? Are they for the sound?
They are indeed for sound dampening. I used to run a recording studio in this room, hence the pads, I just never took them down.
I like the invisible mouse.
What do you do for a living? Or is that all for personal use?
It's for personal use, I'm a student.
Anyone have any idea where i can get one of those keyboard in the U.S.
Classy. What gear do you have driving your 800s?
Musical Fidelity M1DAC + M1HPA
I have the same picture of Saturn as my screensaver on my gaming setup.. Nice setup!
That is wonderful, looks like such a relaxing place to spend your time. The red wall in particular looks beautiful.
Indeed it is. It's the Logitech T650.
How are you getting on with the touch pad? I've seen loads of very mixed reviews but its £60 here in the UK, would you say its worth the upgrade? plus it does look amazing.
Awesome setup man! I have a set of the MM1's and they are one of the best purchases I have ever made. What do you use the portrait orientated monitors for?
The desk is an Ikea Galant with the gray/brown color.
You made that whole with a broken bottle?
Thanks for wasting 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back googling "Ducky wireless keyboard"
Can you show pictures of the mount itself and how its there. your angle is pretty good. It just does not show anything.
I'll post some pictures here for you tomorrow! :)

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