Computer Setup


How do you like the Hadron? I love the look of it but that damn power supply design... ugh.
I liked not needing to buy the PSU. I was surprised that there was room on the sides of the PSU to route cables, which helped a ton, but the downside were the cables themselves. The 2x 8pin pcie's are too too bulky and you cant bend the cables to fit into the card. ( I used evga's 2x 6pin to 8pin + 2 molex to 6pin adapters to clean up the power input).
New build this last month. Not my first but wont be my last.
I would recommend a change around with that monitor/tower position. If you use that for mid-to longterm periods, it's is going to hurt and cause neck pains. I originally didn't think this sort of stuff mattered until I got moved about at my job and some of my temporary work stations with either a too low monitor or elevated one like yours causes a lot of strain.
Typically i use my school laptop under the monitor for writing papers and having background noise / movies playing. I thought it would be fitting to toss the new case under to show off its incredibly small size.

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