Computer Setup


Any particular reason the cpu cooler is mounted like that?
I've gone back and forth about what way to put it, and know neither way really holds any benefits. At least from what I've read, I'm all ears to suggestions. Right now it's in push/pull pointing up, with (2) 140mm fans pushing air out the case.
Is there an exhaust port on the top of your case? Cuz with the orientation in your picture, you're sucking hot air from the graphics card and pushing it through your heatsync to the top of your case. The rear exhaust fan in your case is mostly blocked at this orientation. Have you measured the difference of temp in your case with either orientation to see which one is better?
Pretty sure the airstream is being pused onto the graphics card.
The graphics card must be extra chilly.
I'm going off of convention where typically the airflow is blowing on the same side as the brackets holding the fan blades. Also OP stated
Yeah, notice how the air flow direction arrow points to the same side as the brackets holding the blades. This is typical convention. That's why not all fans have these arrow indicators. Also, I coudn't see these arrows from the pics OP posted so I went with what I could see :-)
It's all good! Air is definitely blowing upwards everywhere in the case. Just tested with a sheet of paper. I'll be rotated the cooler soon anyways, to give it shot.
Yes, that is where the (2) 140mm fans are located. I don't use this computer all that much anymore, but I've been meaning to getting around to switching fans around to see what is the best configuration.
The fans right now (as far as I can tell) are pulling air from the top of the case and are pushing it into the graphics card. If you also have case fans on the top of the case it means the cpu cooler and the case fans are both fighting for air. Turn the cooler 90 degrees to the right and it should be fine. There is no reason why it would ever be mounted the way you have it right now.
Well I can assure you all the fans are pointing up, blowing air out of the top of the case. The fan draws air from the open side, and pushes out on the side with the spec sticker. Yes it's drawing air from the gpu, but wouldn't that air be rising up into the cpu anyways?
Do you want my two cents? Well, regardless I'm going to give it to you. But you can choose not to read it :-)
Nope makes perfect sense. I appreciate all criticism, constructive or not. Next day with some free time I'll give it a shot. Reseat it, I should have some artic silver left. Tiny tube for $8 goes quicker than it should.
Got the same CPU cooler, it's so awesome!
Pretty damn big though! It's like a quarter of an inch from touching my side panel. It's a good improvement over stock.
Only $50 when I got it and it keeps my CPU at like 10 degrees or less. It's crazy
I have that same desk. Picked it up for one of my kids for abut $16 at Goodwill.
It's a solid desk. Snagged it from my parents. I used to have a nice L - shaped desk that I left behind during a move. Was a sad day.
I have the same tv stand, tv, and computer chair. I like your style
Hahah same to you. I've had the TV stand for years now. Near future I'll be getting a 40-46" and wall mounting it, but this works perfect for now.
I got the chair for $100 at sams club I believe. Wasn't even looking for a chair at the time..
That's just how comfy this chair is everyone.
What chair is it? looks nice might want to get one myself.
It's a neat build, CPU cooler's nice. I'm surprised no one has said anything about cable management yet. Even if airflow isn't a problem it makes installing things a heck of a lot easier, and it just looks better. Maybe it's just my personal opinion, but I don't like the look of the LED's. Perhaps one color, or less of them? To me it looks juvenile. There, I said it.
I actually do have a LOT of cable management going on. If you seen the back panel, it's a rats mess. I purposely left out the SATA cables, and 24 pin wire, due to them being UV reactive. The red checkered pattern on the 24 pin glows. I have 3 blacklight cold cathode lights, that really make the cables glow at night.
Wow, mad props on the RGB fans, I almost never see those.
What the hell. That first picture is like a carbon copy of my setup.
Nice build! Its exactly what I want my future build to look like, Corsair C70 and all once I get the money for it.
I work as a computer tech at a local computer company. I was working full time and still living with my mom when I built it. A good amount of money went into it that I'd rather not think about hahah. I love every aspect of it. Got some good plans for it come this tax return though. Want to overclock the cpu, upgrade gpu and psu.
I'm surprised that so many people like this cooler. I've had mine for just over a year, and I've burned through two of the CM stock fans. The third that i got through warranty is now on its way out. Not only that it's very loud. It does a great job at cooling, but knowing what I know about it now, I would have purchased something else.
I've had good luck with it. I think I've had it 6 months maybe. I'd replace it with better fans if it does go anyways.
I LOVE the cpu cooler man.
Call of duty: ghosts.
I thought this is about computer setups not which way the air flows? :/
Where did you get that little LED bar?
Get that console away from that computer, you're tainting your computer's air space. Your computer needs space to reign supreme.

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