Computer Setup


Extensions for 8-pin connectors are cheap.
Older style PSU's, not even once.
I just hate how the older sytle PSU's had all that multicolor wiring. In my opinion, it ruined the overall look of the PC
Ah, well, that was the least of my worries. The 8-pin cable barely made it to where it plugs into the motherboard, you can see from the picture it's a bit stretched. I always thought this was due to the PSU being "old-style" in the sense that it was made to be placed at the top of the case, closer to the motherboard's 8-pin.
You shouldn't have a problem with your next build. PSU's nowadays are made to accommodate our Goliath cases
P.S. any tips on how to clean all that dust? I feel like just taking a leaf blower to it, but that's probably not very wise. Or is it?
Seems like a lot of work, and I'd still need to take it out of the house, so that the dust doesn't end up everywhere. But that's probably safer (a leaf blower could throw small rocks at it).
Why not right now? Turn the PC off, strap your anti-static band on and take it apart. Dust it with that and a slightly damp rag for the radiator and then put back together.
I have to work right now :(. But maybe this weekend. It's getting pretty loud, too, I'm thinking this might be one reason for that.
Yeah, it can get pretty messy, but it's better to take 20 minutes and clean it than let it overheat.

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