Computer Setup


This is one of the most beautiful computers I've ever seen. My congratulations to your father.
Get that man a mousepad
Why WD Red? Isnt that for NAS systems?
Not sure why he chose a WD Red unless he has it paired with an SSD, which then still doesn't seem like the best choice.
WD Greens may also be slower since they spin slower than 7200rpm, usually somewhere between 5400-5900rpm.
Yeah... WD claims that they are variable and can spin up to 7200 when demands require it, but they're definitely slower than most of the other drives I've used. I had two greens as secondary storage in my computer. Both of them crapped out within months of each other and just after their warranty expired.
I noticed that too, and normally, yeah... IIRC Reds don't error check at all, instead relying on a RAID controller to do it for all the drives in an array.
It's a gorgeous desk and setup, but there's nothing "potentially" annoying about that hanging plate, that's just straight up annoying. But still, very jealous.
Unless you can cook a steak from across the room using infrared lasers emanating from your eyes, I'm afraid you'll never be half the man your father clearly is.
That looks beautiful! No need to worry about cable management with something like that.
Wtf is up with your background(s)?
I want an answer, OP
Look like red blood cells lol
Could be a picture of the sun or a planet, I often make my background something from astronomy
Me too im a big amateur astronomer. The aura around the image made me initially discount the very big and instead think it was the very small but it could really be either.
It's a picture of the sun.
That's an interesting place to put a computer in. Looks awesome though!
Didn't anyone ever tell you not to end a sentence with a preposition at?
Here's a thought... Not everyone on coolcomputersetups is a native English speaker.
I love seeing the care that goes into these homemade desk/computer hybrids. It's some fine work and I hope you make good use of it!
That's one hell of a beautiful desk
I have two of the same keyboard. It's very nice for one that's not mechanical.
I've always wanted to do something like that. Now that I know it's feasible, might have to give it a go.
Same, I just dont know if I am confident in my ability to do it correctly
Curious about what temp's he runs. And what components he uses
Unfortunately, I don't have a full parts list, but here's what I do know:
24C? Are you sure that the CPU is powered? I have never seen any cpu that cool
No. You're probably right. Looking back at his f-book post, I'm fairly sure he meant 75 c
That would make sense, yes. But thats still low enough. Amazing desk, i do have the same thought about that flap in the front though.
That seems extremely low lol.
You may be right. I'm just quoting what he said and he's an old builder who doesn't see centimeters anymore than he does Celsius.
I wish redwood didn't grow so slow always wanted a redwood desk or something of the sorts as termites don't eat it, it never warps and other things
Looks very well made and it is beautiful. One question that comes always in mind when I see this kind of solutions: Isn't it a bit too thick desk to fit your (=his) feet comfortably under?
Nicest station i've ever seen.

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