Computer Setup


The scale of your setup makes your Macbook look like a McDonald's kids toy.
What are the led strips?
How do you change the color with the ikea dioders?
There's a wired controller that can stick to your desk or wherever with a wheel that spins to select the colour as you can see in the link. I didn't specify that my remote is wireless.
I like the setups, but not the photos. I would prefer some closeups and some brighter photos, different colors on your led lights doesn't really do me good. And I would also like to know about some of the gear; speakers, dac etc. Cheers from a fellow audio engineer (I assume).
I understand what you mean. I'll try to post some better pictures soon.
How do you get the LED to stick to the back of the screen?
My never stays up :(
I guess resolution isn't huge for music stations, but what is your main screen?
My main screen is the 24" iMac 1920x1200. And I have no reason to upgrade the keyboard, I love it.

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