Computer Setup


Like the super clean setup.
It's not usually that clean!
Still no answer on the chair.
Thanks, I've been looking at that one, was wondering why it was reduced so low. Could you tell me what foot rest thing you are using?
Not that sorry, I'm interested in that small, slanted ramp under your desk for you to rest your feet on, I've been looking for one.
Yeah, just the cheapest one I could find really.
Also have this chair, really regretted getting it. It's very uncomfortable if you're over 6ft, i snapped one of the arms straight off and the creaking after 6 months is horrific.
I'm 5'5, and feel like I'm just a bit too short for it, hence the need for the footrest.
It would be a much better chair if it was adjustable
If you have your window blinds open and the curtain drawn, how do you fap without the neighbors watching?
After 7 years of using various laptops throughout university, it feels nice to finally have a proper tower again.
I'm curious about what case that is, I can see it is Corsair branded, it looks amazing.
I have this same case, it is so nice, so much room for everything!
I use the same. Best case!
Nice Yammies.
I hate when people use crappy integrated shit with their $1000+ computers.
I love listening to music, so it was definitely worth buying a semi-decent soundsystem. I can always hook it up to something else in the future.
What is this thing which lies on the ground?
Well if you used the phone connector you'd be using a DAC too.. just the integrated one in your computer which is lower quality than your HRT.
Gotcha, either way I don't think I've got a phone-to-phono cable lying about so I'd have had to buy one of those.
Nice build man, You have same case as me only in black
Could you chat a bit about your foot rest? what is it and why?
I'm short, The footrest just means I have something to rest my feet on instead of having them dangle off the chair, which means I keep a better posture.
I must be getting old if this picture quality is considered potato level.
It's just out of focus slightly. I'll try shoot something better tomorrow when it's light again.
Already looks good to me. I guess I just don't hqve an eye for photography.
It's fine, just slightly out of focus which means everything looks a little blurry if you zoom in.
Ok I see it now. Thanks.
Yeah, if it was left on 1.4f like you said it was, it's a pretty shallow DOP(depth of field).
Where did you get those stoppers on the bottom of your chair? I'm guessing they are to protect the wooden floor
Amazon, and yes they are. Also the wheels just slid around too much on the floor and it was pissing me off.
Where do you live? The white House?
Old mansion block in the center of London. :/
Have same monitors and keyboard. you have good taste!
Hello Keyboard Brother! The macro keys on the corsair k95 sure is useful for mmorpgs! (Not Really but its nice to have).
I've not used them yet, but I want to set them up for code macros for work, could be useful.
Where can you get the backlights blue? So far, I only see white backlights, unless the picture is playing tricks on me.
Picture's playing tricks on you.
How did you manage to survive for seven years on a notebook!?
With difficulty. Particularly when my degree involved 3D rendering and I had to render stuff on it.
Dear lord. I'm so sorry.
It was a good thing, meant I focused more on making simple stuff that looked good, rather than throwing lots of shiny stuff on everything.
Oh god. That sounds awful.
Do you mind me asking what exactly are you rendering?
I've not done any modelling for a few years, but my degree was in digital art so it wad a really varied thing. Sometimes it was stuff to composite into film or images, sometimes it was models, sometimes more experimental work. I was never particularly good at it which is why I no longer really do it, though the experimental stuff still interests me a lot.
What desk is that? And nice setup! I love how clean everything is.
No idea what the desk is, was here when I moved. Guessing it's from Ikea.
Very similar but not quite that one.
Huh. I run on a 15" laptop myself (Lenovo Y410P with additional Ultrabay GPU), and this gives me hope for life after being a broke student.
The funny part is you could have built a desktop for that price minus peripherals. I also had a y570 before my desktop, that is very very similar to this build.
I'm a student and constantly on the go. Plus I barely have the living space for a desktop.
That was also my situation, I also had to use mine during class so definitely needed a laptop.
Are those chairs comfy? I'm afraid of buying one of those because I think they get uncomfortable after sitting for like 5hours
This one isn't particularly, simply because the lumbar support isn't in the right spot and it's not adjustable. Otherwise yeah they are.
We got the same monitor
monitor buddys forever
Gotta say I really like this setup. It's the kinda thing I can imagine in my house.
Where can I get that chair?
I know that feeling. I've had a 16'' laptop and a 12'' monitor until about a year ago when I made my first rig with a tv monitor as the monitor. It feels so nice to have so much room on the screen.
Some autumn tree scene, no idea where I found it.
Are you able to upload it? :)
I have the same monitors. They are great.
What desk is that?
Not sure what the desk is, it was here when I moved, but I think it's from Ikea. Mostly everything in black is always a safe way to go.
Can someone tell me the requirements for dual monitors?
Any video card made in the past 5 years should be good enough.
What do you mean by requirements?
You fucking deserved it man! Battle stations are an awesome thing.
What kind of thing is this on the ground? Is this specifally to put your feet on it?
That chair alone wins it for me...
That's a pretty clean setup. After about 9'years of a 19" I just bought myself a 27" monitor. I'm super pumped to start gaming on it.
I feel like if we panned left we'd see Obama at his desk.
Yep, definitely an upgrade. Congrats!
Any lag on the u2412m when you play games?
None that I've noticed yet.
What kind of games do you play? mmorpg, fps?
Path of Exile, some strategy games, the occasional FPS. I've basically got a 300 strong Steam catalogue to catch up on.
How did you get your start screen to have a background?
You just need to upgrade to windows 8.1
Is that the corsair vengeance k95 keyboard? If so, how do you like it?
I've only been using it for a couple days, so I'm still getting used to it, but it's great so far. The red switches feel really nice.
I see you like Corsair.
That chair somehow manages to look both comfortable and uncomfortable
That same keyboard just came in for me yesterday :D
That chair is bad ass
Wow, so tasteful! Love it!
Raise those monitors up. Their centers should be about level with your eyes. Us computer users have enough neck problems as it is.
The center? I thought it was meant to be the top of the screen. Thanks, I'll try it out.
I just use extra reams of printer paper to raise mine, but you can get fancy.
Luckily the stands can be raised quite high, so no need for ghetto solutions yet.
Ultrasharps are great. I use them at work, and I seriously miss the height adjustment when at home. My common Samsung is low as f*ck and doesn't have it.
I figured I was better off spending a bit more on stuff like the monitors, as I'm going to be using them for a long time.
What type monitors are they?
I agree. I'm planning to change my rig next year (currently I use a 14" Dell laptop plugged in to a 22" Samsung TV/Monitor), and a 16:10 24" Ultrasharp is on the plans. They are really worth the price.
Definitely worth it, monitor tech isn't advancing as much as stuff like processors or graphics cards, so you can afford to get one of those that's a bit slower as it'll be cheaper in the long run if you don't have to get new screens every couple of years.
Opposite case for me at work, they get the cheapest monitors they can get away with, and I have 3 $400 1920x1200 Ultrasharps at home... sigh
The place I just resigned from thought a sub-£300 netbook was good enough for staff use. It'd take about 20 mins to boot up and load the basic programs we needed every morning.
But I miss non-widescreen monitors. I like to have a 16:9 TV to watch movies, but to code and surf the web, I still prefer the old 4:3 or 5:4.
I much prefer the 16:10 on the screens I have, and they can always be rotated to portrait mode if I need more vertical space.
I finally convinced them to get me an SSD after a proof of concept showing how build times will go from about 2 minutes to a matter of seconds. Really sucks working for cheapskates.
I asked for a new comp for 6 months, no one did anything :(
Corsair 500R case? How do you like it? I'm eying it for my first build.
I used the same case for my first build this summer and it has been awesome; plenty of room for cable management behind the mobo and a million fan mounts, integrated fan controller for the led fans it comes with, removable drive bays for better air flow to the gpu, also a perfect spot for a 240 mm closed loop water cooler rad in the top (if you're into that sort of thing), would definitely recommend it
The white one is sitting at $89 shipped after rebate on newegg, I think I'm gonna ask for it for Christmas.
I'm gonna be pissed when I'm forced into windows 8
I quite like 8.
There is nothing wrong with windows 8; it's actually better than windows 7 as you can revert back to the old start menu if you don't like the new one, so it's practically just a faster windows 7. The only reason people don't buy it is because if you already have windows 7 it's not really worth the money to upgrade but if you have no OS then windows 8 is the one to buy.
Is there a way to search for folders with the new Windows 8/8.1 search?
It's a fair bit faster for things like starting up, shutting down, loading applications etc. However it is ever so slightly slower when it comes to gaming performance, but the difference is minimal and probably not noticeable.
It's actually faster for game performance because windows 8 and 8.1 can make use of DX 11.1 and 11.2 while 7 is stuck on 11.
There are other options for OS, You can always run linux which is free and takes practically no processing power compared to windows.
True it matters which distro though. Ubuntu used to be much lighter than windows, but at this point I call it a draw. I honestly prefer linux, but sadly linux is not game friendly and dual booting is too much of a hassle.
Run VMs off linux and you can run steam, along with minecraft and other games with ease.
I'm not an idiot I know that windows isn't the only os

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