Computer Setup


This really is insane, awesome work. Did you pick the skills up you need to pull something like this off from your workplace? Best of luck with it all
Do you pay for it all? Or are you contracted by companies to build themed mods? Cause that can get pretty expensive judging by the parts I saw!
I don't do commisioned builds. They like my projects and sponsor some of the parts. Lets say I still pay 40-65% myself. That's why I'm only able to do one build a year :)
And the branding he put on it
This is what I was wondering. "I guess he just really likes Razer." I remember when Razer was in financial peril and even stiffed the winners of a pro tourney on prize money. I guess they've come back from that. I know a lot of people do really like their mice, but I don't know any that would build a shrine to the brand.
I'm gonna have to save and recycle this .gif
Ahh , L3pje! Long time no see - pleasure seeing your new creations - as always.
Hey Ottetal! :) Totally love your build! I have something with smaller builds too, I'm currently waiting on my NCASE M1. Personally I kind of like the Razer logo's, they aren't that big and .. well it is a Razer build. The 2x GTX690 were from my previous build. It saves me a lot of money to just use them :) So ... you're completely addicted now too? Be warned .. the addiction can go nuts .. I can know :P
An actual nCase build? great, I have never seen a actual build in them. looking specifically forward to that!
Thanks mate! Only parts I'm taking from last build are the GPU's and some ssd's from 2 other builds.
Nice, dude. I'm waiting on my M1, too! Have you any idea on your MOBO and GPU yet?
Not at all yet, but I'm really looking forward to it, seems Holland is last to receive them :)
Holy shit. Did you fit all of that in a Prodigy case?
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Oh reallly? After 1 year of coolcomputersetups, 12k link credit and 4k of commentcredit, I have completely overseen that fact! /s
Dear Jesus. That is one heavenly body of work.
I wish I could afford that chair...
" it's only "
It is pretty low in the costing compared to the leather tub chair I'm looking at getting which is NZ$699 incl. GST.
Idk man, I went to an office liquidation store and got a la-z-boy tasking chair for $90, best purchase I've ever made. It doesn't look that good but man is it comfortable.
How do you like the dxracer chair?
I'm used to the real cheap ones and one more expensive 'Malmstolen'. It's in between. What I like most is the silence when driving the chair :)
Ctrl+F Chair, thanks, needed to know what chair it was
Do you work for Razer, or are you just a big fan of their products?
Nope, all just a hobby. You could say I'm a fan of the color UV-Green. So why not combine it with Razer :)
Makes sense. It looks really cool, btw.
Honestly you could probably get something from them by showing them this.
Oh they did send me some quite nice gaming gear when I explained my plan :)
You seem very knowledgeable about graphics cards, which ones do you recommend? Im currently working with two GTX 650Ti boost(sli). They work great for the older games I have and a few of the newer games but I have some that struggle on medium graphics. Looking to upgrade, could you recommend any specific brands or models? I only have history with EVGA and am hesitant to try other brands.
To be honest I don't have that much knowledge. It all depends on the budget and the resolution used to game on. Personally I'm an ASUS fan, but EVGA is a good choice too :)
The 780 or 760 cards are pretty good. The 7950's / 7970's / 290x / cards are pretty great.
Any brands you would recommend?
MSI is good, ASUS is good, EVGA Is good, Sapphire is pretty good.. I'd say avoid XFX because my friends have had bad experience with them. Don't get reference coolers, so get a card that has at least 2 fans.
.. I've never had problems with my xfx cards and when I did the warranty work was quick and painless, then still had lifetime warranty on the replacement.
I think they're getting better.
Xfx has the Best customer service, whatsoever
How much are you looking to spend? I definitely recommend EVGA if you're buying Nvidia cards. Nvidia is done with the 700 series cards but the 800 series could be a few months before they're out.
No more than 600, I do enjoy the SLI set up but hear from folks I could be getting more power from just one of the newer models...
Yeah the generally preferred route is just using one powerful card nowadays. For right around $600 you can get an AMD R9 290X, which is their fastest single slot card on the market. It is essentially brand new so availability is low and there are not really any available with aftermarket coolers yet. I would definitely wait on aftermarket cards to come out because all the reviews say the stock one isn't good at cooling and sounds like a jet engine. Like seriously I cannot recommend you buy one until they have aftermarket coolers out. Gigabyte and Asus have the best warranty (3 years parts and labor) but Sapphire and XFX are also trusted brands (2 year warranties).
A lot of AMD cards are getting snatched up for litecoin mining so their prices are being inflated, might just want to wait for the 800 series or get a GTX 780/780Ti
Thanks! You speak of aftermarket cooling , now are you referring to open loop water cooling or is there a fan system that I'm not aware of? Either way I think my 2 GTX 650 Ti boost will do just fine for another couple months. I appreciate all of the input though, I have a better idea as to what I should watch for.
Primary system - Bench/test system.
Hope you aren't going to be using the built-in motherboard block on the Maxmimus VI Formula. You are asking for galvanic corrosion when pairing it with copper radiators.
Not too worried about it :)
Hi L3pje! I would also post a jaw dropping gif, but I have a few comments.
None of us can wait :)
I just stood up and saluted my monitor....
Annnnnnnnnnnnd you win! Insanely wicked sir. EDIT: I wish you were my dad.
What will you do with the build? Really like it
Every time I see a build like this I think wish I had the time to do that or wonder if they are selling it
Amazed feels like an understatement of what I feel looking at those pictures. Pure beauty!
Im just thinking.. whats the temperature of the hard drives in the plexiglas? Id think running even ssds would heat them up past their crit temp
They don't get hot at all. A bit warm. That's why I created this open design, there will be a bit of an airflow. Nothing to worry :)
Can i move in with you?
Amazing work once again :)
I am just curious to what your profession is because I am a freshman in high school and I am trying to decide what to do for the rest of my life. Amazing desk im super jealous.
Man, I still remember when I first saw your work on couldn't believe my eyes. Still can't. Keep up the amazing work!
Wow, fucking amazing work man.
Awesome work man this is so motivational for me!
Awesome mod, these are the type of posts that catch my eye on gaming setups.
Where did you get that dope chair?
I'm not sure about that particular one, but Corbeau (and Ricaro and probably Sparco)make bases for race seats.
Wow, this is very impressive. Looking forward to seeing it all complete!
I believe your fittings cost more than my build... Nice.
Entirely funded by your good self or are you getting some sneaky sponsorship? Just noticing a lot of logos and whatnot.
I am being sponsored by certain parts yes, else I wouldn't be able to build something like this.
Fantastic stuff man, it's win win.
Sweet chair, I have the same one. Love it.
Altijd tof om je builds te zien. Volg ze al een aantal jaar. =)
I dont even speak dutch, and I understood that. Danish is close enough to german, which is close enough to dutch !
In the name of all things holy... This is the most ridiculously awesome build I have ever seen.
I can't imagine not using a computer for 9 months.
I believe he is going to fit two motherboards into the desk
How long did it take you to create this beast?
Preparing was already 6 months, busy with it now for another 4.
This is the best thing I've ever seen
This is fucking sick, can't wait for more updates.
You sir got a gift
Dude, you are a boss. That looks FUCKING. AWESOME.
I just wanted to say I've been I've been pouring all over your website the past couple months, I didn't know you were on coolcomputersetups so this is a nice coincidence. I'm stuck between saving up for a red harbinger desk and trying to make my own similar to what you've done. Can I ask, between the $2,000 red harbinger case and the construction of the L3P D3SK which was more costly?
It's easy .. when you have the proper tooling, experience and time ... you can make it cheaper. The original L3p D3sk (from where I'm typing this message) is completely different, cost in material was around $1500. that's also cause I used 3mm thick full aluminum.
On that note. It may be out of line but do you have blue prints of the original desk? I have been wanting to build my own but the dimensions are hard to figure out.
Well. its a start. Thank you. Now to just get the materials, and avoid having my wife kill me for all the mess. I should have this done in 6 months...
Goodluck! Show me the endresult please :)
It will be posted, gotta creditwhore.
Thank you for the quick reply. As far as the tray that holds the motherboard, is it best just to borrow that from a pc? I'm guessing if you were to mess up a minute detail the board could short?
Well .. the tray is the least of your concerns, it's just aligning the mainboard holes on the new panel and screw standoff in it.
Sorry to fill your post up with questions, but as much as I read how to's and guides, it was your L3P D3SK got me obsessed with this, I don't mean to get misty eye'd on you.
Last one before I go to bed :) Yep, only hardtubing for me now. Keeps clear even after 4 years of usage. The loop is just one puzzle, you just start somewhere. And you can buy 50cm lengths nowadays, so just saw them how you want them. ( google acrylic tubing 101) In a desk pc I use 2 serial connected pumps on lowest speedsetting, means they will be silent and still have a lot of power. Yep .. one thing .. you'll need a LOT of extension cables :)
This is the best build I've ever seen. Have an bookmark.
Not a fan of Razer, but this is completely sexy
Before I found this coolcomputersetups I was proud of my corner desk and multi monitors.
Amazing setup, can i ask what chair is that, and where you got it from? thanks.
That's awesome! Whats with the Razer branding though? Are they sponsoring this?
How'd ya mount those monitors? I thought they didn't have VESA mounting holes :]
Two mainboards? Are you setting up two separate computers or running them together with some black magic or something??
One primary setup and one bench/test setup
Dude...sickest build ever saw that post about the guy who wall mounted his PC and had to show him up huh? Haha, I'm going to be building a PC soon, and made me sad because my PC build will not be that epic...BTW, can you PM me a general ball park of how much you spent on your build...just so I know what I would be looking at for a MAX build ha.
Sooooo many fittings.. That shit costs so much money.. Amazing build.
I appreciate the work and effort. I really do. You have skills I could only dream of having.
Thanks! Well ... it was going to be a green gaming desk. Personally I love my Razer Taipan. So I figured .. why not :)
Wow that's a work of art man. Thanks for sharing.
I don't like it, but that doesn't mean i don't admire your talent.
The one thing I dont understand about serious gamers is the way they insist on having everything lit in such awful colour palettes.
The bright green and black are razer colors...not sure about the blue although they do offer things in blue...
GabeN fucking Christ. This gets to the point you don't even know what you're looking at anymore. Really amazing post.
As much as I'm not a huge fan of Raz3r, I have a huge respect for this table. I really hope to see the finished product of this table.
I hope you put as much money into her college fund as you have spent on your rig.
Well .. a comment like that just sucks.

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