Computer Setup


What kind of lights are you using
Led light strips, just amazon them they're only like $15-30 and worth every penny!
What desk are you using in the new one if you don't mind me asking?
To be honest I have no idea, It was sitting in my basement for a long time. I know my parents bought it at staples though.
Can I ask how you get into DJing? Kinda wanna learn more about it but i'm not sure where to look. Awesome upgrade btw
Some guys in my fraternity do it. It's a lot of fun, the hardest part is finding a venue to play/ reading the crowd. luckily for me I live in a frat house so I have a venue. If your gonna get into it I highly recommend Denon tables. such a solid product.
Thanks for the reply. Idk how good I would be at reading the crowd, getting gigs so i'll just stick with listening to music lol.
Probably not a bad idea, the equipment is damn expensive.
The Free Weezy poster makes it. Also, on a more related note. Very nice setup you got going there.

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