Computer Setup


What is this sorcery?
I work for LIFX as a firmware developer. I thought I'd give them a little plug in the title even though my pictures don't do them justice :)
89 bucks for a light bulb???? DAMN...
Yeah the bulbs are at the luxury end of LED lighting but for that you get color and temperature control at lumens nobody else does yet. In their defense any LED bulbs will be expensive but eventually pay for themselves in energy savings if you still use halogen bulbs.
Agreed. I'm sure the math adds up. I just can't get used to that price tags for light bulbs. But I guess I need to stop thinking of them as might bulbs, there almost a computer from the sounds of it haha. What's your "totally unbiased" opinion on them so far?
They have two 32 bit processors in them running at MHz faster than peoples 80486 did in the early 90's. We should market them as the first dual core light bulb ;)
Hey, as someone whos kinda thinking about buying either LifX / Phillips Hue or LimitlessLED - in which areas do you think LifX is kinda better than these other two? I have read that in general these "new" variable LED light bulbs have a bit problem with certain color spectrums or something like that, so Im just worried to make a right decision for this kind of money (thinking about tenths of lightbulbs, so might get pricy).
I'm not a lighting guy by any stretch but the difference is color and brightness.
That streamer, who is she?
Clean(ish)? Far better than the snacks and multitudes of half full sodas and glasses of water all over my desk.
I almost tripped on a guitar lead while carrying instant ramen last night. I cleaned and took these photos after I was done eating ramen and watching LoL.
Is that a SNSD wallpaper I spy?
Purchased on a whim because I'd never sampled or used pads before but now I use it all the time wired into Kong Drum designer in Reason.

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