Computer Setup


That's a really nice monitor.
Awesome setup! Vote up for corsair air 540 case
Vote down cuz it take up 2 much space just look how he has like no room between keyboard and his case for the mousing area, its stupid case unless ur doing extreme watercooling
The space between the keyboard and case is like 10 inches. I only need maybe a 2 inch clearance on either side of my hand. I also have another foot of desk space to the left of my keyboard if I wanted to move everything over.
A real gamer needs more space then 10 inches
You cant lie though it makes your components look the best out of any case out there and it has the best air flow and cable management. The space is worth it.
I mean for its price its pretty good but the high end nzxt and silverstone cases and the 350D and 750D all look real good uknow and custom cases
You should also get the death adder 2013. It is a lot nicer!
Question. Why the hell would you get a asus sabertooth thats meant for OC and not get a cpu that will oc?
I honestly just liked the way the sabertooth looked and it was half off. I knew I probably wasn't going to fiddle with overclocking before I chose the mobo.
Oh it was half off? Thats understandable it does look very good.
That or it was a combo deal with the psu. I cant remember.

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