Computer Setup


Thanks for your suggestions but yea, I have a little space issue at the moment. I will buy that desk once i solve that issue :P
I like it, the green theme works very well, just gotta get a matching monitor(or 2) and drop the grey one :)
That case looks absolutly fantastic, link?
It's the ultra gaudy level 10 by thermaltake.
Sw33t cust0m gaming rig 2014
Still probably the most tasteful case thermaltake sells.
The "Urban" looks much better, at half the price. Still a lot of molded plastic and bad paint though.
What are you using to hold those headphones up on the side of your case?
It's part of the case
I can't speak for him but if you go to walgreens/cvs you can find a small plastic hanger with double sided tape for like 3 bucks. Cheap economical solution to hanging your headphones. I don't have the desk space or cash to buy a standalone headphone stand
What's that clock gadget/widget you got on your desktop?
We have the same speakers! Shit is cash money for the price.
Agreed! It has the best bass eh?
You obviously spent some major change on this, what with the watercooling, the expensive case, and the $150 keyboard. It's a shame that it seems tucked in a corner on a cramped desk. Do you not have more space?
Next step: Investing in real headphones. Green AKG Q701's would fit in your color scheme perfectly.
Nice setup alltogether.
How do those stack against the beyerdynamic dt 990's? Do they require an amp?
Cheers, will look into it :)
What water block are you using on your CPU its pretty nice.
Is that the 27" IPS from LG?
What is your favorite color OP?

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