Computer Setup


It's amazing that somebody knows everypart of that room or every machine. Thanks for sharing, very interesting.
Knowing what a device IS is far from knowing how to use it...
Like pic 15 looks like a switch to me (not router as OP calls it). I think 6506, with 2x 720 sup .. cant quite make out the 2 line cards
Could be an ASR, but a cat6500 is layer 2/3 and often used for routing duties, especially when it only has a couple line cards like that, so calling it a 'router' is not all that inaccurate if you ask me.
Oh yeah, OP could be calling by what it does instead of what it is
Keep in mind that was probably a colo and they were only a fraction of the entire space.
In house. Not a colo. This is our nicer datacenter, the other is about the same size but about 30 years older.
The datacenter room. We still pull up cables in the floor that had been cut 20+ years ago and the techs then were too lazy to pull them. That is the main reason we decided to have all the cables above the hardware.
Thats beyond my understanding.. :D Fascinating.
Colo = colocation. Basically someone owns a big data center, then you can rent space from them. The staff at the DC will keep either keep up with your equipment and all the server maintenance, or you can just rent out space and fill it with your own equipment/service the machines with your own technicians while taking advantage of the facilities. Its great for a business that only needs a few servers, but still wants the protection, resiliency, and maintenance of experienced professionals without having to hire someone to take care of only a couple machines.
It's not a colo. it's from a private university. they do rent out a lot of space to professors and maybe even local businesses (they do host content developed by students for local businesses).
Ha, the first thing that came to mind before coming to the comments was "I could jerk off to this."
Do you work at the internet?
I can only assume he does and from the amount of Internet that he's dealing with it appears as though he's the Bandwidth Commissioner of the Internet. Big pay, lots of perks.
This is a fairly new datacenter for a private university. millions of investment money went into it, and that's not even counting money put into it from the university itself.
TBH Saying "millions" of investment money went into it is not that impressive these days. I can spend that easily on comissioning a server room for a dozen racks by the time you pay for all the infrastructure and installation works. (N+1 cooling, power, generators, UPS, VESDA, Fire Surpression, flooring if you go raised, etc etc etc..)
Thats not that big of a DC
Oh how I miss DC work sometimes.....but then I remember the hours.
Noise cancellation headset! The bluetooth kind, so you can hook up your mobile. Kick your boss allready if you dont have a pair.
Not the smartest idea TBH when working on servers in a DC. You really dont want to miss the sound of a dell server spinning up its fans because you just bumped power out etc.
Couple of friends work in a DC where they have zero hearing protection, in a few years I bet they have done serious damage to their hearing.
You'll never be able to suck your own dick. Sorry, had to break it to you.
And the flooring is the same....
May I ask for some more info on those 'Microturbines' please?
We have twelve operating at 65KW each. They run off natural gas. These allow us to operate off grid if necessary/ cost beneficial.
Soo are they backups to the batteries? Excuse my ignorance.
Typically we get our power right from the grid, if the connection somehow fails these turbines will turn on and seamlessly power the datacenter. Additionally, they are used if the price of running them are less then the cost grid power. The batteries are there to help in the transition, or as a last resort, if both systems fail. They give us 17 minutes of full power before they are depleted so we can make sure all the boxes shut down safely.
I remember when a datacenter I partnered for went dark. Boom, power out.. backups failed nada.. About 10 of our devices never turned back on out of oh I don't know 50ish..
Batteries are incredibly expensive for power replacement compared to generators. Generally you have enough battery capacity to last 1-5 minutes in the event of a power outage and generators that can start in less than half that time that start the instant mains drops.
Wow, that's cool! Didn't even know that such things exist.
When I think of turbines for power generation I'm somewhere in MW area. :)
Good god, think of all the doge coins that could be mined...
Uh, Not sure this belongs here. Two reasons.
I worked two major jobs in my life. One where I am armed with an M16 controlling ingress and egress traffic on a military base. The other is datacenter work. The datacenter is more serious about security.
Received permission to take the photos. Will check with mod on relevance to coolcomputersetups. Thanks
Sweet! I would love to post pics of my cabling/DC work, but it's strictly forbidden. Love the cooling doors, too.
I see a Nexus 7010, not a 9k.
Yeah, although he received permission to take photos, i feel like he must know someone there. i know exactly where this datacenter is. even been through it a few times myself. they were very nice guys, but weren't big fans of unrestricted photos, especially when he explicitly has nearby town names in the photos...
Is this NCAR? I was just there!
Nope. unless it's acronym has changed, i knew it as the GDC.
Where is it? NCAR is in Wyoming. Very similar setup to that one. Government run though, not a company data center.
Really neat, thanks for sharing.
Brb, gotta change my pants
Is this an I/O datacenter?
Datacenter for a private university.
Want to send some of those decommissioned switches my way? LOL
Where did you work that they let you take cameras into the DC? That's a major OPSEC fail.
What are you using for as a equipment lift, like what you are using to pull the core stuff out? We are looking for something where I work at.
I have no idea. It could be one of those myths that works it's way up the chain. I doubt the cooling system was broken, everything goes to DEFCON 1 when that happens!!!
That is so fucking cool. This is why I want to be a netadmin.
I'm just curious, but don't most places have NDA's that generally prohibit you from photographing everything? (Just a question)
Man, the DC I work in is 12,000 sq ft of racks. Too bad I can't take/post pictures without breaking my contract.
Don't let anyone know you took those. Most DC's have rules about not taking pics inside.
Are those sperries? FAF
This wasn't by chance in Skokie, IL was it?
This looks surprisingly like the server room at my work... or maybe most server rooms look alike.
Nope. private university not located in IL.
But can it play minecraft?
What happens to all of the decommissioned switches?
They slowly disappear and reappear in nerd homes.
Can one come and live with me?
Do you know someone who works in a datacenter?
I do not. If I did, I doubt they'd give me one. Plenty of places sell used Cisco equip.
I hope Nintendo takes a hard look at this and if not already done so, they should upgrade their Pokemon servers to these standards.
I think you're located at the NSA base in Utah.
My ears from remembering the noise. I needed plugs if I was in there for longer than 20 minutes.
Where you even allowed to take those pictures?
How is some company's datacenter your gaming setup? Not exactly relevant.
Sidebar rules state if you use it, not only if you own it. I messaged the mods and asked them to delete this post if they feel it is irrelevant.
So, do you own it or use it? Probably neither is my guess. Even so, this is not a gaming setup, it is a data center.
Fuck them losers who think this is a gaming setup. So, what if I once ran a piece of code on a Cray-1, can I post pics of it and call it "my gaming setup" here?
Fuck off. This was cool.
Yeah, so cool it is in the wrong coolcomputersetups. It clearly belongs in r/serverporn which caters to photos of an entierly different category of computing which OPs not-gaming setup is a part of. It is a popular coolcomputersetups, if you enjoy photos like this you should subscribe there or just do a google search for "datacenter". I never said OPs photos weren't cool, they just do not belong here.
Dude, he's just posting cool pictures that he thinks other people want to see. I'm glad I saw them and apparently many others are as well. Chill out!
Dude, this post is off-topic, and posts like this being allowed here only serve to make a joke of this coolcomputersetups. So, "dude", this is not a gaming setup and it does not belong here, and neither does the policy of letting anybody post anything they think resembles a gaming setup. Once again, mods are asleep at the wheel.
You take pictures about computers really seriously.
And you don't? Maybe you should unsubscribe.
He most likely used the equipment since he worked there.
Not necesarily. All of the servers at the DC I am in are managed remotely. I am closer to being a janitor than a tech most of the time.
That's a mile long stretch. No one sits in front of a row of servers to work. This is not a gaming setup.

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