Computer Setup


Battery backup? You're like the guy in the Die Hard movie that still has the lights on playing games while everyone else is using candles.
What flavour of chair is that?
How do you like those AOC monitors? I've been looking at the same ones.
Same, been looking at the AOC and the Acer (both 23") IPS monitors. Seems OP has both, so I was wondering which one he prefers!
How are the hd598's? they look sweet!
Came here to ask this.
Hey man, where'd you get that desk?
How can you game in a corner like that!
Why do you have the 558's and the 598's? with the foam mod theyre nearly the same headphone :(
Did you bought the sleeved cables or did you made them by yourself?
Man you got those monitors for a steal I have three Acer 21.5in bezel less ones and they cost me 120 each
Beautiful Build. Link your background please?

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