Computer Setup


Do you have a soundcloud or youtube channel?
What do you do for drums? sounds like you have a drummer
All live drums, I played on a couple tracks, my buddy played on some others. Gotta pretty decent drum mic collection now and a great space to record in.
Leider nicht, bin Ami! War aber kürzlich in Berlin und auch Wien!
Ich bin ein Berliner! I have to show this to my friend, he will go nuts when he glimpses that Sunno Amp (I know the spelling isn't right ((((o)))) :/ )
Really fucking jealous of the T&E picture
Haha, yeah, I met them a few years back at a live show. They're super cool dudes in person!
If you're missing Pilgrimage on vinyl, I'm currently selling the blue wax copy. Totally a sales pitch, but I see you like your Om.
Woah, I've been trying to track it down for a while actually! What're you asking?
I saw the Gorillaz album and almost downvoted until I saw the Sleep, Boris, Sun O))))))))))))), Electric Wizard and Earth records.
Different strokes for different folks I suppose. Oddly enough, that's my most valuable record I've got! But yeah, the collection of metal is much better haha...
Missing a string there on the SG, mate.
Jusr from the Richenbacker bass and the Sunn 0 amp in the first pics, I could tell you were into Doom metal. Then I saw your records and I was like "yes."
My dream bass, just chillin on a wall. I hope you make sweet, passionate love to that thing...

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