Computer Setup


Woah, what kind of case is that? looks really slick!
Its a Raidmax Smilodon Mid-ATX case.
How do you like it? That case looks really really tempting!
I wouldn't recommend it. There is no cable management at all.
We have two of them in my research lab. I think they're stupid because the front is a big door that covers your ports and drives. So if you wanna plug something in you not only have to open the door, but it has to stay open too.
I used to own one. There are much better options for the money. It doesn't have that great of air flow and is a pain to build in. Plus like OP said there is not good way to manage your cables. Probably the case that I regret buying the most out of the ~6 that I've had.
I have that case. I only got it because it was my first build and it looked sick. Just ordered my NZXT Phantom to replace it.
I've been doing a lot of night photography lately and I really like that wallpaper photo, do you have a link so I can look it up?
Just ordered same headphone and amp. How do you like it? Anything I should expect? It arrives tomorrow, I'm excites but a bit nervous it wasn't worth the money (got it all on amazon).
I am in love with both the headphones and amp. The bass is amazing with the 770s and the amp nicely doubles as a splitter.
Awesome name for a case.
I have the same desk as you!
16gb single channel? Don't DDR3 dimms max out at 8gb each?
That's odd. I have 2x 8Gb DIMMS, I have no idea why its reporting that it's single channel.
Oh. Well that does make more sense. I'm not sure why it would be saying that either, obviously not an issue. Just confused me when I saw it.
In what slots do you have the RAM inserted in? Look for the optimal placement in the manual.

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