Computer Setup


Damn, that's a nice Tele. Awesome setup man!
Too bad it's a squire.
What's wrong with Squier? I've had 5 Squiers, both guitars and basses, all of them have been really nice.
They are really nice, but obviously non-squire tele's are better.
Oh yeah for sure. I love that colorway though, had a Squier Jazz bass just like it...
A buddy and I were having this conversation at band practice, I've played on a Fender tele. before and honestly the feel was about the same, the only difference I found was the tone and price. But I'd rather buy a Squier and swap some pickups and wiring than pay four figures for an original.
Oh yeah I never thought about that. Actually I have a gibson les paul right now I should buy a fender and tele squier and replace the pickups and get ultimate versatility.
One of my old instructors actually did that. Get a Tele. Squier and replace the neck pickup with something like a Gibson or Duncan pickup, you get the darker sound but keep the brightness of a Tele. with the bridge pickup.
It will cost you like $600-$700 right? For both guitars combined
My Tele. was about $300' if I wanted to add a nice Gibson Humbucker that'd be about another $140. So total on just swapping the neck pickup on the Tele is $440 plus labor and extra parts, assuming you have to buy the Tele.
I would rather have the twisted single coil and a single coil broadcaster to sound like an american standard"
You can get Fender Vintage pickups for around $120 that are just that. Or find actual old pickups that aren't old spec. reproductions. But good luck finding those off a guitar and still working, and not on a lying ebay page.
Thank you, it was my first guitar. Love it for practice and certain songs but the Schecter is far more playable...but only sounds good on leads and distortion.
You don't get vibrations from using speaker cabs as desk legs?
I get a little vibration but I usually just run the small Phonics because my room is so small. As long as I'm not using a record player it's no big deal. My bass cabinet rattles more stuff than my desk.
I listen to music at an exceptionally loud volume. my desk would be a mess after a few days.
I've used it at like a house party volume while I'm in another room, the rubber legs work pretty well for isolation. Wouldn't recommend it if you had a more solid desk though. I'm using hollow closet doors, I'd imagine it'd shake thick glass.
YPG-535, such a nice sound

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