Computer Setup


Don't cry on the cake!!
Why not buy a larger monitor so you won't have to deal with the ugly vertical bars?
Resolution and/or refresh rate and/or price.
TVs and Monitors are not in the same league.
So 1920x1080 on a TV is still worse quality than that of a monitor? I use a TV for my gaming (it was a gift) and I've never noticed any real difference between a TV and monitor quality.
1920x1080 is 2,073,600 pixels in total. Weather you are playing on a 23 inch monitor or a 50 inch TV in both cases you are working with 2 million pixels. On the TV you are effectively taking those pixels and stretching them out to fit a larger surface area, resulting in bigger physical pixels. Which in effect reduce the amount of fine detail a display can reproduce.
Draftsman here, I use a 720p 36" rca tv for my main home computer, never had a problem with auotcad or revit. In fact several of our project managers use a similar set up in their offices.
I use a 40" TV as my main monitor, 32" as my secondary, and I have no issues with harshness of text or lack of detail in anything. I'm sure if I spent some time with a nice monitor, I'd notice the difference, but I love having a big screen and everything looks fine to me.
I use a 42inch TV as a primary display on occasions and it works out just fine, however; as soon as I switch back to my 1440 monitor the difference becomes enormously obvious.
That seems a little extreme. I'm sure it's a pretty big difference, though. I definitely plan to get some nice monitors when I can afford to, maybe get a setup like OP's, but gaming on this TV is nicer than with any monitor I've owned. (Granted, I used to have a CRT monitor, but then I got an iMac which had a great screen that I did a good bit of gaming on, before building my PC and getting these TVs).
Due to the way a human eye and the visual cortex work a TV will serve just fine as a gaming display, they are also fine for everyday general PC use. However for graphic design work I need something with a tighter pixel pitch to recreate print media as close as possible.
A TV works from a reasonable distance, but under 3'(monitor distance) you will clearly see it is grainy as hell. I have a TV above my gaming setup that I play on from my bed across the room, but it looks awful when I am at my desk.
Because of the total resolution I suppose.
I thought that the first pic was of a window at first...
I thought it was funny
That is a brilliant idea for the monitors, looks amazing, however, isn't it uncomfortable to look so far up? What speakers and headphones are those?
Its actually not that high and feels quite natural when sitting in my chair. The speakers are just some old Creative speakers I've had for awhile. The headphones are the Corsair Vengeance 1500 7.1 Channel
They're shit. Driver support is terrible, the virtualisation sucks, there's some high pitched whine when you turn the mic off for some reason, and you can't have the volume above 2% without blowing your ear drums.
I much prefer this advice, albeit negative than the default "They're awesome!" as the default opinion on every pair of headphones.
To be fair I might have had a faulty pair, twice in a row (I RMA'd the first pair because the hinges were broken on arrival but the mic whine thing happened on that pair too)
Xonar DX + Sennheiser HD 25. totally agree. Although I'll be going with external DAC+amp soon.
I have that same headset. And can confirm all of the issues that you're experiencing. WHY is everything SO LOUD. I've set the default sound level to ONE, and still have to lower the volume on most sites/games to make it bearable to listen to.
I'd be inclined to agree in regards to my 2100. I normally don't regret purchases, but this headset was kind of a waste of $100.
Well dam I have the 1500s and I thought they were pretty good.
I quite love them.
Sounds like he prob gets to lean back slightly and relax his/her neck
I must say, that setup is stunning. I'm kind of jealous.
That was my first thought as well, that it must be awkward to have to look upwards, or at least stiff neck / eye strain inducing.
Well now I got to frame my monitors. Great layout.
How does that even work? I wouldn't know what to look for.
How to frame it or how to use triple monitors?
How do you frame monitors?
It really depends on how you want them to be framed. I debezeled the monitors, measured the width and height of the screen, compensated for the overlap of the left and right screen, and that gave me the width and height of the inside distance.
Came here to say this
My response in order of pictures:
Wires are routed behind the monitor bracket and then run in-wall. To be honest, not distracting at all. Don't even notice it.
Clever... Your setup is awesomely well done.
That's the most beautiful god damn thing I've seen this week.
That is elegant as FUCK.
That is so awesome I love you be my dad.
I'm 28, but I think my fiance wouldn't mind. What skills do you bring to the table?
I'm good at spinning around in circles without getting sick, can I join the adoption party?
The frame around each monitor would annoy the crap out of me very, very quickly.
To be honest they disappear while I'm gaming. The immersion makes them not very noticeable.
I thought so myself, and everyone who's used my system has also said "God that would annoy me." When I game I don't notice them, and everyone I've said "Just sit and play." has told me they don't actually notice while playing.
Its funny how the voices of those who have no idea what they are talking about are generally the loudest. Have you ever looked out the window of a paned window? ever wondered how your brain looks through the window upon what is on the other side, and not on the pane dividers.
How do you even aim at anything with the bezels right where the crosshairs should be?
Its running Eyefinity three plus one. I am not aiming any bezels anywhere close to where the crosshairs are.
How does that work? I mean, wouldnt the center of the view (where the crosshairs are usually) be between monitor 2 and 3? Or is the fourth screen not displaying the game?
Got it, thanks! In essence you have four monitors acting as two, in a 3+1 split. That's awesome.
I used to think that, but I use a second monitor in a totally different position, and I don't even feel like I'm looking at a separate screen most of the time. It's just like more desktop. If an actual game's screen was split, you would get used to it very quickly.
Ha! Good camouflage. You're a sly one...
This is one of the most creative things I've seen in quite some time.
What monitors? I have a triple u2412m setup that I would love to do this to. Can you give more detail/pictures of the build and how you moded the picture frame?
Check out the comment I just posted. It has a link to my r/buildapc page with more info on the build and my rig
I have the same screens. I just need a 144 hz for FPS and then I can have them for my simracing setup.
What benefit is there to this over a TV?
A: Its actually the exact same distance it was when they where mounted vertically B: If you notice the other photos where games are played, the bezel correction software that Nvidia Surround uses corrects an issue with incongruencie in the overall image
I came here to complain about bezel correction, but now I see it's just on your desktop...was thinking the Elizabeth shot was ingame at first.
Uhd is literally four times 1080p. This is three times. Not quite there, but indeed still intensive :) what do you have powering it?
Oh, you're that guy. I saw your BaPC post the other day and thought it was absolutely gorgeous and now see this as the other half of your setup and have concluded that you are my new idol. Especially as a fellow triple portrait user.
A pair of 660Tis. Not quite surprising to me, since you linked to BaPC :P I would not run anything shy of the two 7970s I run right now at that resolusion, but whatever floats your boat :)
The 3-6 FPS difference between the sli 660ti vs. the sli 7970 doesn't equate to spending more for them. I'll wait until the 800 series rolls out and upgrade then to achieve a more substantial gain in product.
Can I have a source on this seemingly small difference?
I bet the text is this small on coolcomputersetups
What camera are you using?
Holy F dude, that is awesome.
Really nooby question here but how the hell do you get multiple monitors to display a single "screen?" like this?
You need Nvidia Surround or AMD Eyefinity with a SLI GPU setup.
For a minute there, I was like "where are the monitors?" Then I realized.
What headset is that in the last pic?
Corsair vengeance, its amazign headset
Screens are a little to high for my taste, but other than that it's beautiful!
That is an amazing use of a frame. However I would suggest getting some bezel compensation going on to further improve the effect :)
What game is in the second image?
I was thinking of de-bezzeling my monitors and getting creative with them, but never would have thought of this.
Im pretty sure its a Sauder, but I got it 5 years ago so I'm not 100% sure
Why not just purchase one, larger screen?
Are those monitors not too high? I imagine that if that keyboard and mouse were at a comfortable level, then my natural eye level wouldn't even meet the bottom of those monitors.
My natural eye level is at about half the screens. No strain on my neck at all
This is perfect, and one of the nicest looking setups I've ever seen. Except for one huge lingering question: Arn't the monitors too high up? It seems like it'd be awkward.
Key board needs to know!!!
Does the middle monitor have more depth in the frame than the other 2? I feel like that could be annoying.
It is recessed behind the other two to eliminate the extra border bezel. I don't even notice it
This is absolutely incredible, and I want to add to the pool of jizz accumulating in the comments, as I love this gaming setup!
Why do people do this, why not just buy a tv screen lol.
Is that keyboard a Vengeance K70? If so, they're amazing :)
It's like your screen is outside and you're looking at it through the window
Time to get new speakers. these are old and the subwoffer is all over the place, get the Corsair 2500SP or the Klipsch ProMedia 2.1
What's your rig running to have an almost 4k resolution?
It... it... It's beautiful!
Although I know those bars would drive me mad personally this just looks so damn gorgeous, great job.
Ok, it looks all nice and fancy and stuff, but can't imagine how something like that can be at least a bit comfortable to use/game on.
Bezel Compensation, dude. Set it up.
How do you like the corsair mouse? Iv been thinking of getting one
Your whole station looks awesome . Good for you man, I am jealous.
This is still my favorite way to run triple monitoring for games. Kudos to you sir, not only for going portrait, but for doing it in a very classy and elegant way.
That can't in any way be comfortable. Sprained neck after one day of work/gaming.
How long did it take you to make this? This might be one of the best gaming setups I have ever seen on this coolcomputersetups
What do you do for a living?
How dare you have such a sick setup! lol amazing, gj dude
Looks like its way to high above the desk, how does your neck feel?
My natural eye level is at about half the screens. No strain on my neck at all
You's one chin-up, possibly giraffe-necked motherfucker, then!
I have no idea why you wouldn't just get a 55 inch LED panel.. even if the refresh rate is a tiny bit slower, who cares? It's better than having big black bars through the screen.
Thanks for answering this as i was going to ask the same question. But personally i think they need to horizontal and have that huge field of view
Yeah I know the difference between screen resolutions. Having 3 like that is still stupid compared to a big screen.
I never understood stereo monitors. Wouldn't the black lines that are the borders of the screens really get annoying? Id loose my mind.
Why flat? I would think a wrap-around like effect would be most natural for peripheral vision, like an IMAX screen is curved.
I actually had them set in Horizontal for awhile and the added peripherals, while nice, they actually made looking at them distracting. Having the monitors in portrait gave me a more preferred viewing angle. As far as having them curved; In portrait I don't believe it would add much
This is so incredibly pointless and stupid
It's nice but why have them framed as one screen? Defeats the purpose of having a triple monitor.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. They work exactly as you would expect having three screens would.

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