Computer Setup


How is the debezzeling process? (How easy is it to screw up?)
If you go through a bunch of guides, and can be careful, then it's really not too bad. I did scuff up the casing quite a bit, but that didn't really bother me (after the first few scuffs anyway..).
I broke my monitor in the process. It turned out that my whole circuit board was attached to the casing.
Dude... that sucks... Always check a guide! What model was it?
I watched guides and it looked super easy. (and it was) I think it was because it was a monitor/TV so I assume it has a different board. It was a Samsung b2330HD I believe. Just ordered a new one that should be in in a few days.
Well, you just saved my ass.
Q: Where did you pick up the NEC X461UN from at that price?
Gumtree :) Some Russian-sounding bloke put it up for $350, so I went to take a look ASAP. Last second before the exchange, I asked if he could possibly do any better (I'd have taken it for $350, but thought I'd ask anyway). Knocked $100 off the price! Nice fella
An ultra thin bezel is sucha big selling point for me. I probably would've paid $350 extra for a tv with sucha thin bezel. There's something wrong with me =/
At first glance I thought it was a Samsung panel. The newer ones are really thin and ideal for wall mount.
The screen is very captivating. Is there something special about this line? At first I thought it was one of those paper thin lcd screens mounted.
Ouch..well that makes sense for that price now
Nice setup, i looked into those wall brackets looks like its an aussie company that makes em. It gave me some ideas though, I was thinking about buying a 3 monitor stand for about 100$ US, but this wall mount is pretty cool. Any info on that LED strip?
I've previously had my monitors on clamp-style monitor mounts. The left two monitors were held by a single dual-arm mount, and the right one was held by a single arm. The problem was that I could never get the monitors to perfectly line up - even just the left two (held by the single dual-arm mount), could not be aligned, despite my best efforts.
Nice, I think Im gonna look into wall mounting then if I can find some brackets sold here.
If you are able to get to a Costco, they have a 6 foot kit right now with remote control for under $30.00.
Ok thanks, I found their 7 color one for 39.99. Im assuming thats a good price?
Thanks for the link, I was wondering if it was custom or actual concept art. It really looks awesome with your setup, well done.
Cheers for the link, I've never seen those pictures before but I immediately recognized ff9. May have to try this myself.
The X461UN is made for use in video walls (hence the 3mm bezel), and typically goes for around US$5k. You got a pretty good deal on that, even though it's kinda unnecessary in this case, since its a singleton.
My question, do you run games in eyefinity? Your graphics card I would think is a little skimpy for that, or I'm pleasantly wrong.
You're correct, the 6950 is a little weak when running games across all three screens. It can get most games to at least a comfortable fps, but the settings usually have to be lowered a bit.
Fair enough, I (erroneously) assume everything in this coolcomputersetups is a gaming machine.
Do you rate the Bratek mounts? I'm looking to do something similar, and just wondering what the quality of them was?
These particular mounts? They're strong and sturdy, and I honestly couldn't fault them at all.
Hmm, I was looking at the stand type ones (similar to what you linked). What problems did you have with them?
That desk is fucking clean man, how much did it cost?
Thanks! Believe it or not, I've been able to keep it pretty much this clean for the month or so that I've had it. Bought it from ebay for $200AUD.
Man I already don't go outside enough. If I had this? I'd probably start to become one with my computer chair. Sweet setup.
I mean, do you see that computer chair? I wouldn't mind becoming one with it.
I really like the Dwight bobble head! Also sweet build man.
What do you do for a living?
Cause you have to be a millionaire to afford 3 monitors
MaxwellCE, is dust much of an issue for debezelled monitors?I live in a pretty clean environment but still could see it being a problem...
You know, that never even occurred to me. They've been debezelled for over two years now, and the only problem I've encountered is that the picture scrambles if I've accidentally given one of the exposed cables a nudge. Other than that, no problems, dust-caused or otherwise.
Well then maybe I should man up and get on with it. Just need to sell my 29" LG
Beautiful. I love the floating monitors. You must be really happy about how this turned out. Good job!
How do you like the ergohuman chair?
At first I hated you for having better things than me, but then I saw the Dwight bobblehead; we're cool you and me.
I have the same bobble head.
I know it's been addressed, but that's awesome FFIX artwork
You have good taste. It's too often I see a setup on here with a 770 and a $20 rubber dome keyboard, or a 20" 1600x900 TN panel, or a desk that looks like it was previously inhabited by rats.
You must not see the HUGE difference in price..
Dang. very cool, but pretty complex for a lighting system.
Any plans to put the cords hanging from the monitors through the wall?
It has definitely occurred to me, but I'm not so sure that the cables being totally invisible is worth all the effort. Maybe in the future..
Is there a reason to take off the back casing of the monitors?
If you're in an environment where there's a low risk of damage to the screen, removing the bezels is good for aesthetics (If you're into that sort of stuff :) )
This is a true beauty!
May I ask why you did the wood plank?
I really like what you did here. How difficult was removing the bezel of the monitors?
Wow, so similar to mine! Nice mounts!!
Idk if you always keep it that neat but I looove how simple it looks. I always manage to clutter my desk trying to make it look nice.
Man, I wish my eyes were that good.
Do you know what/ where you bought the LED strip. My brother would like to create this same effect. However I'm not sure, he may want it to match the screen colors.
There are several to choose from on eBay. Search for RGB colour changing LED strip - You'll want one with remote and power supply included. You can go Ikea too but they cost ~double and the remote is not wireless.
Hey. I want to get a VESA mount but I'm not sure if they will come with screws. What has been your experience?
Details on the led strip and setup?
So it appears r/gaming setups likes simplicity. Solid setup.
Where did you buy your LEDS?
I think it'd be really cool if you colored your walls/doors.
Holy shit man I love that desk. Anything solid wood and leather topped, I'm a sucker for.
How do you like the ergohuman v2?
You need a new keyboard, like damn.
Reminded me of Kingdom Hearts II
Beautiful. Although I prefer to be closer to my monitors.
I am probably missing something here, but are really old white PC keyboards coming back into style or something?
Old keyboards tend to be nicer than newer ones, because old keyboards are more likely to be mechanical. Buckling Springs and ALPS also are nicer than the now-ubiquitous Cherry MX if you want a clicky switch.
Why is everything so beautiful and then you have such a shitty keyboard
That is a pretty expensive keyboard.
You can always spot a hipster with a keyboard like that
That is some retro keyboard you got there.
Yeah. Definitely needs to be black and backlit. /s
Thorpie is the god of mechanical

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