Computer Setup


Do you use a dac for the hd 598s
I still need to get a dac! That's my first thing I'm going to get when I have money. After burning in the hd 598s they are literally the most surround and best-sounding headphones I've used.
What kind of temperatures and fps do you get while playing battlefield on that g card and you came late to gaming setups but you came strong
Playing Battlefield 4 with all graphics on max @ 1440p i get about 55 to 60 fps. Temps stay around 70 or high 60s. The cooling on this card is incredible.
Hi just had to ask this. Are you using windows 7? I had issues when I oc'ed my qnix. Aero glass didn't liked it and there is a noticeable lag when moving windows from one monitor to another. Also after I installed latest beta drivers,my oc got fucked up and caused the monitor to crash(had to reset everything)

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