Computer Setup


Yessir, bought an autographed copy of Personal Journals and he sent that with it.
Gamecocks? Do I sense a fellow South Carolinian? What part?
Yessir, right outside of Columbia.
Nice I'm near greenville, know if any good PC Gaming places around? Like SC gaming communities? All I can find is a few smash tournaments and a small number of card shops.
None sadly, everyone I know around here only plays console. So I'm never playing games with any of my friends haha.
Damn, google my user name and my stream profile should come up, the Carolina Gamers steam grop has a few people in it that are from SC, it's good to hear from someone local, we should play some MC or Garry's Mod some time man, hit me up!
Just added you on Steam, my username on there is also Pieweekend.

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