Computer Setup


Good to see you're making plans to ditch the laptop
I'll assume your just gaming, but if not I'll edit it later.
Thanks for the help. My main concern with the ram was that I tend to leave a lot of stuff running in the background, and as a result right now am using 46% of my 6Gb on this laptop. CAD programs can take a bit of Ram, but I can run it on this decently.
The 3gb would have trouble if you're planning on gaming on all 3 monitors at high settings in demanding games, but besides that it is perfectly fine. Also the 770 can't really utilize the 4gb of RAM to it max potential.
Are you asking for critiquing on it? If so, I can whip something up.
Sure.Any ideas to keep it fairly small and on budget would be appreciated. It got nothing on r/buildapc when I posted there.
What are you doing with it? Strictly gaming?
Mostly. Also an engineering student, so I will do some CAD stuff, but not much. I don't plan on streaming. I really just want to make the upgrade to a real station.
Well this is just a laptop on a desk... it feels kind of pointless to post this here and not in the averagegaming setups coolcomputersetups or something like that. this is not meant to be an attack or anything but this is clearly in the wrong coolcomputersetups.

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