Computer Setup


The gauges in the F-35 do look much easier to use than the F-22.
None was really easier than the other. The F-22 is strictly an air superiority fighter, while the F-35 has multiple uses. They are just different.
Well, I mean, I think the gauges in the F-35 look easier to use.
Sorry, I forgot to add that it had something like 5 different things you had to scroll through. I guess just looking at the still it does.
This is so fucking cool
Can you do barrel rolls?
Yes I did! and an 8 point roll and a bunch of other maneuvers.
I actually go to school within a few miles of where they used to produce the F-22. It's a shame the program got cut, because I would love to intern there and possibly have that on my resume.
That would have been crazy. I am working on getting a degree in aero-space engineering so I may have dropped a few hints to the people there...
I'm curious, how were you able to do this?
Yeadude how do you go and get to fly the sim?
I'm sucking on them jelly sickles right now.
So much fun. I got to fly an osprey simulator back in the 90s. 300o field of view, all the way around and up and down! Did you get to fly with the hydraulics on?
Soooo cool! jealous of you man
I did this when I was younger in boy scouts. We had 4 F-16s and a C-130. It eventually devolved into us just dog fighting and crashing into shit. The C-130 was really impressive they had the entire cockpit for 4+ people.
AhHA I work for the company who makes the I.Gs (Image Generators) for these types of simulators and we are one of the main suppliers for Lockheed. Its always cool to see our work in the real world being used :)
An honest to god gaming setup to train you for real battle. SO FREAKING JEALOUS!
Someone install KSP on that!
He's clearly using it, so...

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