Computer Setup


This guy knows what's up.
Or just RTFM where is clearly shows the 60 degree triangle diagram right there.
I used to have 2 monitors but I had to stop using one of them so I could have room on my desk to set up my studio monitors correctly :)
Its more important to line the tweeters up with your ears, than which way the speakers a lying. If they're on their side it increases the chance that the stereo field will be messed with but not enough for it to matter.
Not many Mac Pros on here.
That setup is nice, do you do video editing?
I should've been a detective.
What are you using to output to the TV? Didn't see it listed in the specs.
What are the blue panels? Dry erase boards!
What kind of stand is that for your three monitors? looks good.
How do you get all 4 monitors to work. I've got an r9 290 and as soon as I plug my third monitor in it loses all signal to the monitors. It knows they are there just doesn't do shit with them.
Oh nice to see a mac setup, it was getting kind of boring to see underpowered desktop setups, this is what a true powerhouse is my friends, best in the business.
Sorry about the Mac. It must be tough.

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