Computer Setup


I love the casting couch man, I swear that I have seen it before on slightly less-reputable websites...
It's an Ikea couch. Nothing special. It's comfortable for playing Xbox.
Have you thought about getting the headrest for your chair? I have the same chair.
I get the ... Spider-man ... reference, but you'd be wrong. It is actually because it was flu season a couple of months back, and I was sniffling all day.
What kind of work do you do? I'm a sysadmin, and this puts my three 24" TO SHAME. TO SHAME, I SAY.
I'm a developer for Office Online. The monitors are self-bought though.
Thank you for confirming my hunch. I suspected you worked for Microsoft after seeing your "window", desk, and shelves. They seemed just a bit too familiar to me. (EX Microsoft employee)
Well... There were some hints. Hope you're enjoying whatever you're doing now.
Not the mention the Vista machine with the spatula in front of it
So when you guys remove shit from the admin portal I should PM you?
Apologies, my previous response came off snarkier than I intended. I blame the Friday night drinking. I'm happy to try to help find the team where that feedback should be directed. My team is not the one that works on that. Can you post a screenshot of the admin portal you are referring to?
Do you live there also?
No, but I do keep long hours. People have joked about that though. Everyone is quick to remind me that there are showers in the garage (intended for people who play sports at lunch, or bike to work.)
This is Awesome. What are the specs?
How is this work? more like hobby =)
What mount is holding all of those lovely monitors?
Sweet, thanks for the reply. Awesome setup!
No problem. I like the set-up a lot too. It's the best one I've had yet. Although, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for some reasonably priced 4K monitors in a 16x10 aspect ratio. ::DROOL::
Upvote for being the first gaming setup I've seen that included a sandwich press
Sandwich presses are the best. Get some rosemary rolls from Trader Joe's plus goat cheese, turkey, and arugula. Amazing.
Just wondering dude, how much do those monitors cost? I did my usual rough price-check and was shocked by results, all that comes up is unavailable in stores or around $1.4k on things like amazon etc... Surely 6x$1.4k? $8.4k on monitors cannot be right
Damn that's definitely a hefty price, 6k! Was it worth it in the end, have you since found any better options?
I think the bottom three were definitely worth it. I do 95% of my work on those. The top middle one was worth it for me, but maybe not for everyone. I usually have a TV show going there. The top sides are great to have, but I generally use them for glance-able information and not to do any deep reading. For example, if I'm tracking some real-time data (service health, a build, twitter, a stock, etc.) and just want to quickly look at it.
With my current setup I have 2 20" monitors and its awesome. I would like to add another but my gpu only supports 2, I generally dont trust myself with looking at parts without getting sad and trying to build an entirely new PC.
What do you intend to do with the monitors? You can easily drive a 20" monitor off USB. I'm not sure how well it would handle videos or gaming... but I know people who drive a multiple USB monitors when writing code. For that type of usage it works fine.
Sorry. I've fixed it. Thanks for letting me know. Grammar and spelling were never my forté.
Haha, I wasn't going to mention it, but then I remembered that this is coolcomputersetups. If I didn't bring it up someone else would :)
Yes, I have. Fantastic stuff, as with anything by Fry.
Sandwich press for those long hours playing xbox on the job

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