Computer Setup


Not sure if you move/adjust your mic when recording, but that P-Filter is doing a whole lot of nothing up there. Really nice looking though.
Great setup man. Glad to say that I've been watching since like episode 10. Keep it up!
Oh Teemo...I see you're a satanist.
Hey just a little heads up, having your speakers on the side ruins the sound stage. Speakers are not designed to be laid down. unless you are a certain distance away, would it not really matter. but you are creating in a sense three sound fields that aren't really working together properly. You can really hear it be leaning a little to either side, your ears will drop one. only when you are in dead center will you mostly hear them both. It's too fragile of a stage so any slight shift from the sweet spot will ruin the stage. So stand those beautiful A2's back upright and let them do what they are meant to do!
Thanks for advice I'll definitely be sure to flip my A5+'s back upright never knew it would cause a difference!
I do hope you use your blue yeti as a side address mic. Otherwise you may as well not even own one.
Looks good and thanks for the entertaining videos!!!!
Nice setup holy moly, what youtuve are you?
The one and only Protatomonster. You've got a great setup man! Only one question, what are the specs of your computer(s)?
Haha I'll list most of the parts for my personal use computer that I can remember (the iBUYPOWER Revolt) the video card is an Nvidia Geforce GTX 680
Great channel. I tune in almost daily keep it up and I love all the statues
OMG PROTATOMONSTER I love you!!! Keep making sick vids dude!
How do you like the DDJ-SX? I've been thinking of picking one up.
Holy cow, you're protatomonster? I'm subscribed to your channel, a huge fan mate.
Yay!!! Another person with a fenix nacsita!! I love that mouse.
Nice, I like that it's next to the door to outside for some fresh air while gaming.
Nice dolls nerd (jk checking your channel now tho)

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