Computer Setup


What do you work with, OP?
I help a bunch of SAS products actually work when customers try to use them. Most commonly this involves improving monitoring and infrastructure architecture design. I currently support two applications that rely on HBase, HDFS, MapReduce, Kafka and Elasticsearch. On a day-to-day basis I write puppet code and contribute to design meetings for features we are building. In fire fighting mode I assist with debugging and improving our operation toolset with shell and ruby scripts. Today I'm trying to get ganglia to collect more metrics, faster, with rrdcached.
I know some of these words
A rough translation into laymen terms is:
Pretty accurate! I don't have to answer the phone anymore thankfully (we have a NOC).
Ah, the fabled NOC list.
The reason I stopped pursuing computer jobs was the ubiquitous requirement for communicating with customers. I'm an introvert problem solver, not a pacifier or a teacher or a mediator.
Work for yourself. Since i left the office and now sit in my own all day i'm much happier for that reason.
As a fellow introvert (ITer) here's hoping in some wonderful future all us IT people get customer communication intermediaries, it would create jobs and make employees and customers a lot happier lol.
What would you do here, Bob?
Damn it I want my own assistant haha
A Network Operations Centre is where the network (and everything attached to it, or supporting it) is managed.
Remind me to ping you when I need to relay my frustration to customers, such great translation!
Thank you. You have provided a service today. I got lost somewhere around 'puppet code'.
The fuck did you just call me? nice gaming setup though, its a cool monitor mount.
That is the most sci fi job I have heard of.
Have you tried graphite for metrics?
I use graphite, but not ganglia.
Do you work for SAS? the software company no the special forces.
I'm assuming he meant SaaS - Software as a Service.
Some peoples brains are on a completely different level....
Yay puppet! I'm still learning to create some modules myself, and it's such a powerful tool!
May I ask how you ended up in this sort of job? I'll be a college freshmen this year and am looking into Comp Sci. for a major.
The phrasing I used: Op, what in the fuck do you do?
Ops = operations, presumably network operations.
Curious to know this also.
Showing your supremacy I see. 7 screens while the rest of your colleagues have 1 :)
Clearly that isn't the case..The guy next to him as more than one. You can also see other people having two monitors stacked on eachother.
Tony Stark what are you doing on this sub???
I wonder if digital blasphemy has done any new awesome wallpaper since those one.
I love the paper ream monitor risers. I've done the same with composition books before.
Where do you get the paper bundle monitor stands. I need them
With careful shopping you can get ten stands in a box. It's crazy.
Am I the only one who noticed the Laughing Man in the lower left hand corner? (Ghost in the shell)
Nope, I saw that right off. I'm a total GITS fanboi.
Dude you're sporting a multi-array of Aspen 30's!? Niicccce!! I too made the bold choice to implement an Aspen 30 monitor stand in my work gaming setup...
Cool, so you are monitoring lots of servers? Is that a Mac Pro hooked up to all those screens ?
Yeah, one drives both displays. I've used this in a number of places in our various offices. They work best with 8GB+ of RAM.
I spy a Shoretel phone. lol
THAT is a friggin gaming setup. I only wish the walls of this were that of a destroyer or submarine.
Is that a shoretel phone i see?
It looks like he could be dealing with a number of things at work, maybe data servicing, or server management, I also kinda thought stock market tracking lol, he'll he could even be in a hospital!
My company won't even get me a PC. I have a tiny box with a CPU in it that contest to a shorty server and can't load excel.
Check the split keyboard, yo
That looks really hard to work with.
The people working around you must hate you xD
They would, except I also bring in kegs of homebrew (currently we have a Chocolate Stout 7% ABV on tap).
ShoreTel is where it's at! Managed that system for years!
Looks like the big red machine, QL
Seriously, why do I see so many monitors in this sub?
I have been doing networking for too long. It took me about 400 milliseconds to recognize the graph showing weekly network traffic. (bottom large monitor)
Why do you prefer the monitors sideways instead of length wise?
There's no way in hell that anyone can use all those monitors efficiently enough to justify them.
I may not be the first to say this, or the most elegant to say it, but holy SHIT you make my one screen look small, and for that I admire you.
Hey hey another NOC worker. That is a nice amount of zabbix charts.
I see Steelcase chairs as well? If so, very nice.
Ooooh, is that a HHKB?
Not a HHKB. Looks like some sort of split keyboard. Maybe the Kinesis Freestyle?
I use a Kinesis Freestyle at work, and a Datahands ProII at home.
How fast can you type with the Datahands? Does it work good when typing out code?
Damb. How much did that run you if you don't mind me asking? They always reminded me of the PowerGlove.
It really isn't that expensive. The macbook probably costs more than the workstation I have. And the TVs while huge (60") are not top of the line.

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