Computer Setup


Tell me stories of the beauty of 4k, such that I may have dreams of vividness during my slumber.
Woah, woah, woah, my penis can only get so erect.
Is this becaue it's 4k or is bf4 that intense
4K. I got around 100FPS maxed out with my SLI 780s.
Bf4 isn't that heavy of a game to require ski, but at 4k more is better :)
Bf4 maxed out is very intense, especially at 4k, it definitely requires SLi if people want more than 25fps
You may kiss the bride
Loving mine too! Just the right increase in size from the smaller ones and not giant like the 900's. Great pricing too!
I know! I really liked the look of the 900D but it was wayy too big.
Too big? Pssshhhh, that's quitter talk!
MSAA doesn't become unnecessary when pixel density goes that high.
It certainly becomes less necessary.
This conversation is in no way constructive. Jagged edges are less evident when the dpi is high enough that your eyes cannot differentiate between individual pixels.
You are correct. Higher resolution diminishes the need for AA a significant amount. either 6k or 8k will eliminate it entirely.
You're actually both wrong. Aliasing is not as simple as "jaggies" but it's a mathematical necessity to prevent much more serious problems like spatial and temporal artifacting.
No, it doesn't, how is he correct? MSAA is still very noticeable at higher resolutions.
Nothing to see here. This guy is the dick of dicks on the hardware forums.
How about you tell these nuts and stop going off on tangents that are irrelevant to the point being discussed.
Nothing to see here, a butthurt guy not having anything to attribute to the conversation.
Nothing to see here, except two faggots.
Less evident unless they're an area of high contrast, in which case they'll still crawl.
Yeah they should shoot the guy that convinced everybody that AA is just about jagged edges.... Trying to explain math to is gamers way more difficult than trying to explain it to a class of special ed students and also yields zero reward. Not sure why I even tried :/
It sure isn't constructive, as you are just saying that you can't notice the difference and would just rather play with MSAA off. Some people do notice the difference.
And you are free to prefer it on just as you are free to prefer to wear a shoe on your head, but it doesn't change the fact that all anti-aliasing exists because of a lack of pixel density and also that shoes go on your feet.
That's not why AA exists, to think otherwise is just ignorant, if you have hardware that can't run it then that'd be something you could use an as excuse, but the need/want for it doesn't diminish at larger resolutions nor with larger pixel density.
So, rather than insulting him, can you provide any sort of counter point? Or are you just going to be a dick?
Wasn't OP the one that claimed this first? Let's wait for his evidence first.
All forms of anti aliasing are geared toward removing and softening the jagged edges seen between objects when pixel density is low enough to where our eyes can just make out the individual pixels. When going to 4K, especially at this small of a size, the pixels will be a quarter of the size of what you'd be used to on a similar size 1080p display. This means that the PPI/ DPI is much much higher, essentially defeating the original purpose of AA to begin with, yes you can still use it, but it will make miniscule differences, even if you have the best eyes in the world, and on top of that, it would just be plain stupid being that 4K is demanding as it gets right now anyway, no need to throw taxing, useless, AA filters on top of it.
I have yet to see a source where it says a 32" 4k UHD monitor has no need for AA, you do know the PPI of this monitor is about 140, correct?
Because the basic principle of diminishing returns. At that point, you're still taxing your graphics card more by enabling AA, but receiving minimal results from it. 140ppi is extremely high, 27" 1440p monitors come in at 109ppi, and even at 1440p, some users say the visual difference between having AA on or off is minimal, while the GPU usage is still there. But at 31 extra pixels per inch, it is just about definitive that AA serves nearly no purpose at all.
Nothing is definitive when everyone's eyes vary, this is like the refresh rate limitations human eyes can see argument, this is what I've been trying to say this whole time. There is just not a definitive answer.
Didnt go with the Asus P9X79-E WS with 4 way SLI @ 16x?
Fuck you. I'm sorry... I just wish i could afford that...
And all sitting on a $15 Ikea desk?
He has 780s, not 680s, and the MSAA is off. Not hard to believe at all.
Lmfao, the 780 is more than 20% faster than a 680, it has more vram and a wider bit bus which would all help at larger resolutions.
I would like to say, amazing setup over all but the coloring on the wires really made me say "wow" out loud. Very nice man.
How are the DT770s compared to the 990s? Is the bass on the 770s better than the 990s?
I like the bass a bit more on the 770s, but both are great at it, the soundstage on the 990s is great for gaming and movies, though.
Nice psikeiro! I could actually have the same setup...I have an X-star DP2710 and a PB238Q...almost identical setup...brb let me try this. Although my desk is higher up so a vertical monitor looks awkward.
Pm me with it bby, i can't wait to see it.
K I will tmrw. Too dark to see it with my shitty phone camera...
Wow, you completely redefine clueless right there. The difference might be 20% at 1080p but it's way higher at high resolutions. I know him and he's owned dual 680 as well as dual 780.
As someone who jumped from Classified 680 to SLI 780s, can confirm.
A 680 was definitely high end... 1-2 years ago when they came out. But yeah, as a dual 780 owner, I play like BF4 at 5760x1080 with max MSAA so I can certainly believe 4k with it turned off.
Actually, it was more of an overclocked midrange part with it's lackluster memory bus. Ever since the 6xx series I've stayed away from NVidia for that reason. It was priced as a high end part though, that's for sure :-)
They're OC'd to past 780ti's power, and like I said I have msaa off.
You can't OC past 780tis, because they're already superior and they can OC themselves.
While I may argue that they are exceeding 780ti's, you are wrong in the sense that the 780ti is vastly supperior to a normal 780. They are the same GK-110 GPU inside. The 780ti is just the fully unlocked version of it while the 780 is a slightly cut back variety. Vaguely similar to comparing a Titan and a Titan Black I guess you could say.
Who said the 780ti was vastly superior?
Where is the word vastly in there?
No, he made the extra cuda cores appear out of thin air.
I just stapled some CUDAs to my 780s, they're basically K40s now.
Why can't I do that? Damn this GT 640M.
By power I mean performance. The increase in clock/memory speed, gives me better fps than stock 780tis
But you could also overclock the 780 ti's so that argument is irrelevant.
Aren't 780s cheaper? Also, since he gets enough power from them, why would he need 780 ti's?
So you're running a 20% overclock. That's cute but it will still perform way under where a 780Ti with just a mild overclock will get since every MHz extra on a 780Ti will be a bigger step up than a MHz on a 780.
What a gorgeous setup. Specs?
How do the twin 780s handle games at that resolution?
He said in another comment that he was getting about 70fps on Ultra in BF4.
May I ask how much in total your machine costs?
You sir have my dream machine.
What's the input lag like on the monitor?
$2500!? I spent less than that on my entire current rig!
That is still more than my rig including peripherals, upgrades, desk, and chair.
It will come down, give it some time. Right now there is a "luxury tax" on 4k screens. They will prob fall toward the $1000 mark (higher for his 32 incher) but I'm sure somebody like Monoprice will make one at around $600-700, just give it some time.
Dell's cheap 4k is $500 on mass drop.
Nothing new here. Good monitors are expensive and generally not marketed at regular consumers. Don't bother if your primary use case is gaming.
Those are 30hz and can't even be compared in quality to the DELL
Exactly this. That display runs at a maximum of 30Hz at 4k. For gaming that is horrible, and it's annoying even for general computing.
"The TV is capable of 120 Hz when the resolution fed into it is less than 3840x2160 and 30Hz when the resolution is 3840x2160 (4K)."
Yes but the next resolution down is probably 1920x1080.
No. Like most TV's, they take a maximum 60hz input and simply interpolate up to 120hz. While this can be okay for action shots (read sports).
I have seen some TVs with 200hz (Sony TruMotion or something like that) and it looks good in sports but not much else.
Nice! I have the UP2414Q. Beautiful panels aren't they?
Hows that banshee headset working for ya?
Good eye. It's good, the build quality is really great, and you can customize the lights!
So how is the quality? How noticeable is the difference?
Are you running a Hackintosh or are you just using OSX wallpaper?
Flawless victory. This is so beautiful. Congratulations on your build!
You tried comparing native 4k vs scaled 4k on 1080p screen yet?
... why would you even do that?
To see if there is any real difference d:
Sharp? Surely it would be the opposite of sharp. You're telling the engine to render 4x as many pixels as the screen can display, then blending 4 pixels in to 1 - blurring any sharpness that was there.
There would be quite a big difference in sharpness with a 4k screen I would imagine
Why did you choose the 3930k??
I'm pretty sure he was asking for the sake of actually learning.
The double question marks could indicate a more derisive/critical tone, but it's hard to judge this over the Internet so you could be right.
What headset are you rocking?
I wish there were 24 inch 4K screens
There are, Dell makes one of them.
The screen OP posted is 24 inches and 4K
Why, the pixel density would be wasted unless you were sitting 10 inches away from it. Even 32 is small for 4k. I have 30" 1600p screens and I'd find 4k on them pretty wasteful. 27" 1440p is the same effective resolution as a 21" 1080p. 24" 4k would be like a 12" 1080p... pretty useless unless you're within a foot of it.
I'm not sure how you're defining useless, but a 4k UHD 24" monitor isn't.
Your eyes can only see a certain dpi at a certain distance. Vsauce just did a video on it recently. Beyond a certain point it doesn't make a noticeable difference. 32 is a good size for 4k, 24 not so much.
People differ in how many ppi they can see at different distances, as I have linked another person in this thread. One person saying it doesn't make a difference is the furthest away from a credible source, there have to be many tests and many subjects with control groups, etc...
It isn't useless at all! I have said 24" 4k monitor and it is simply amazeballs.
Well there's a thread above that says antialiasing is still desired on a 31' 4k screen. Which proves the point that we will see difference with a higher dpi screen. But IMO we don't need crazy DPIs like mobile phones though.
Black and white has never looked so good!!
What's it like over there?
That is a beautiful tower.
I have a similar build but in a Corsair 350D saved in a wishlist. I want it so deeply.
Looks great! Way overkill on the PSU but a beautiful setup and a nice system.
Looks pretty damn good overall, except for that Cyborg RAT. Errghh...
I made small moaning noises. My wife looked at me like I was looking at porn.
I'm curious about your water loop - is that a combined pump/waterblock? I've been wanting to build one using a Swiftech h220 but am struggling to find it anywhere in Australia & your waterblock doesn't look like it
Is that Dell's 24" 4K Monitor? Also, I like that Dead Space poster.
I love corsair cases. I have the 350D and it is awesome. Great setup man =D
Are the sp120s on the top? Quiet or performance edition? Trying to replace mine for something quieter, how do you find them?
All together how much was that, and how long did it take you to build that
What cpu cooler, and did it come with the white tubes or did u put them in, If they were custom let me know how please
I've got same video card, though only a single. Still does a hell of a job on almost anything I can throw at it, while being a lot quieter than anything except GPU cards specifically modded for low noise.
Is scaling a complete bitch?
Obligatory request for background. Very nice looking :)
This is just so beautiful! Where did u get the white PCI-E cables they look really good!
Man, i just love these simple and clean setups, more than the ones with sick dual screens and all of that actually
Would you happeb to have the wallpaper link?
This is pure sex.
TIL EVGA makes a power supply.
Is 3gb of VRAM really enough to run games on that resolution?
It is surprisingly. A large chunk of VRAM is taken by antialiasing, and at such a high pixel density its not really required. If I do use it it will just be FXAA.
How is the vram usage on the two cards?
This makes me want to buy a PC again, that case looks super nice. Amazing setup dude.
Might be said elsewhere, buy on a screen that small, is the resolution distinguishable, from even 2K?
From my current understanding of 4k's. Current 4k's are not actually completely "4k" yet. But very nice station.
4k uhd is 4k, but it is a lower resolution, the standard as a whole is 4k.
Wow, sexy. O.O Where did you get your water cooling gear? :O
The post title made me think about cars, for some reason.
It's 4k at 60hz, not anything can run that.
No, you could not push 60hz on 4k, even with 2 780s. Not with intensive AAA gaming at least.
For modern AAA games, two 780s don't even reach 60 fps on a single 4k monitor.
Only 2 video cards? have fun playing at whatever the 4k equidistant of 800x600 is (it's probably like 3k :( ).
That monitor is nowhere near the right size to take advantage of 4k.
You have no clue what you're saying, do you?
It sure is, there are even tablets much smaller with 2560x1600, so the jump to 4k uhd on this size is more than enough.
I want dat 24" @ 4k.
Buzz words and marketing can fool you.
I understand what you mean, but it is taking advantage of the resolution. The point of it is to increase pixel density for the increased image quality, not make a huge display with the same pixel density as 1080p.

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