Cool Gaming Setup Under Bed - Computer Setup


Your tablet gave me a tech-boner.
Your gaming setup is like mine, except it has a tablet, and 8 times more space and your monitors are 8 inches bigger
I see there is a gun on the motherboad... Ok?
Yes, there is a...gun. my case is nicely hidden under my table so I don't take notice of it, and so far it's been a good motherboard to me.
I must be blind because I see no gun. Is all this set up under a loft bed?
It's just the design for the chipset heatsink. Some people like it others don't. It is a gaming oriented motherboard though.
And they said it couldn't be done!
The fake gun is on the motherboard, Taiwanese companies have a funny sense of aesthetics. And yes, all this under a loft bed to make use of every inch of space!
OT Question: How smooth does LR run and how big do your catalogues get? I have LR 4.4 running on an AMD X6 1055T with 16 Gig RAM. System and RAW Cache are stored on an M4 as well, so I think hardware wise I should be okay. However, LR takes to long for my taste to render previews (I always create 1:1 previews @ import) and making edits is always somewhat laggy.
LR runs smoothest after a fresh restart of the PC, and generally LR's quite quick. I try to keep my active catalog small for efficiency, each active job has its own catalog. any completed projects i would integrate the project's catalog to an archive catalog on my G-Speed ES along with my archive of raws over the years.
That's a good idea. I might try that. Thank you.
I could instantly tell that this was decent for photography when you could tell that the colors were correct, even at this angle.
I position all the lights so that it doesn't shine on the monitors. every light is adjustable anyway so I'll move it around if necessary.
As a poor college student who dabbles in photography from time to time (60D) .. ... you rich bastard. I envy you.
Fuck you. Canon XSi here [4d].
Don't worry bro, my sx120is died because my mom is a butterfingers. it's even worse than your xsi :\
Haha, I was just giving you shit. I love my XSi to be honest, and my GoPro H3B is just as good as any DSLR [minus a viewfinder] IMO.
When i was in uni I started off with a 350d and a nifty 50, so I am sure you'll eventually have a set of tools similar to mine in no time!
What are you using now? I currently use a XTi but Plan on upgrading to either a 7d or 60d next tax return.
I am using two canon 1dx for editorial work and 1ds mk3 for studio work. I'd wai. For the 70d or the 7d mk2 instead if I were you! The 60d and 7d are great cameras but the noise performance of the two are not so good compared to the current generation of canon dslrs
Wow...please post specs...and amount of storage (lol @ all dem externals)
I love how the video of the tablet on the Wacom website has the tagline "Discover the artist within." As if I would spend 2400 bucks if I hadn't "discovered" that already.
It's the Wacom Cintiq 22HD, the next best thing is around AU$1k difference and functions the same. Very happy with the purchase so far!
As a fellow photographer, gotdayum. The tablet is awesome!
One day i'll have something like this... kudos to you!
Nice setup! What is your camera/lens set up?
I use two Canon 1Dx bodies for editorial projects, and I've also got a Canon 1Ds Mk3 for any studio projects.
You have too much money
No, that would be if he had a couple hasselblad's or phase systems (20k minimum investment). ;)
He still has too much money
Nice, the 1Dx is an amazing camera. I'm currently using a 5D Mk3 with a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0 :)
The 5d mk3 is an excellent camera too, and the 24-105 was my first L lens, great combination!
The EF 24-70mm f/2.8 is one amazing piece of glass but quite heavy. On the other hand if you use a 1D I guess weight shouldn't be of consideration :P
I often carry 2 canon 1dx, one on each shoulder. so weight isn't really a problem because I've got the convenience of not needing to change lenses when I see a shot I want. The only time i find weight an issue is when I have to carry lightstands, pro lights, the cameras, and more lenses at the same time!
As a photographer, I am fucking jelly
As someone who's just entering the Wedding photography world. DAT GLASS.
How do you double screen lightroom like that.
You can get the big preview by clicking on the little screen with a 2 in it icon. It should open another window that you can drag to your other screen and bigify. I have a nice calibrated CRT that I use to double check colours with so its pretty handy.
How do you colour calibrate a tablet?
I would assume the same way you calibrate a LCD.
Ah mah gad. So if you could just lend me all your equipment, blah blah great :)
Every damn person has those orange externals. At least everyone in my university Media department.
Great setup! You and I have one thing in common: that Samsung Galaxy S III.
What do you use for color calibration?
I usually use a spyder for calibration, but since both the Dell U3011 are factory colour calibrated and so far printing hasn't been to far off, I haven't had the need to whip out the spyder yet.
You should be calibrating every month. I use X-Rite on my Ultrasharps and they always need a slight bit of automated tweaking each month.
Thanks for the tip! I better take the spyder outta the box and see how it goes!

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