Fredde Workstation Triple Monitors - Computer Setup


42in. mounted on the wall above with a slight downward tilt. Sex.
Eyefinity is always better than pixely 1080p TVs.
They aren't worth anything anymore, may as well keep them to heat the room up in the winter! Nvidia surround is coming, next month hopefully! I'm not sure if a monitor mount will fit on that desk properly though, the desk wasn't made for 3 23" monitors!
Can we get that wallpaper you have there?
Where'd you get the desk and LEDs?
Desk came from Ikea. I seriously just got that desk on Saturday. It runs about 200 bucks and is prtty customizable.
Love it! So comfortable and has a ton of desk space!
No, he hates it. That's why he bought it -_-
What's customizable about it? only thing I can think of are the outer shelves
When you build it you actually choose the bottom shelf height and if you want the top shelf at all. And the outer shelves can go inside too. Thats what I meant by really customizable.
Both Ikea! desk was €175, LED's were 31 I think...
Can you specify the name of the desk from IKEA?
I would love this desk but it says it's 185cm wide and I can't fit that in. How wide is it without those side bits sticking out?
Has saved me a world of heartache more than once.
Looks like the Corsair 200R with window panel
It does, but I want official word from OP on this.
I too have this desk and LEDs! It is wonderful !
Where did you get the LED's? What're they called?
Sweet setup! Love the wallpaper. Upvote.
I've got that wallpaper. It's a must have for dual monitors.
Do you like the Fredde? I was torn as to whether or not I'd like it and eventually just bought a Linnmon based.
Yeah I love it, its fairly deep and has plenty of space, only downside is that I'm not sure if it will fit a mount so I can have 3 monitors
How's the linnmon? What legs did you get with it? I'm in the exact same predicament right now.
I have that background on my work PC. Doesn't look half as good as on yours.
I have the 27in versions of those monitors and love them, planning on picking up a third eventually (although for a much higher price because mine were on sale from Christmas) Love the set up also!
Looks good! I hope Asus comes out with another monitor with the same stand they have on their 144 hz monitor. I want a second matching monitor that I can use to browse with and look stuff up without paying $250+.
I didn't even know this existed! Subbed!
I've been thinking about getting this exact desk.
Pull the trigger, its worth it.
Nice computer setup man! What is the desk called, and where did you get it? I would really like to know!
Nah just a star wars wallpaper!
I saw the wallpaper and the naga and thought about swtor
I gave up on it, without a subscription its too difficult :( On FFXIV at the moment, enjoying it sofar. I'm new to MMO's
Are you using a quality camera?
Well then please use your manual focus. The focus on picture 6 is nowhere near "artsy bokeh fotographing the keyboard from a cool angle".
It is a 50mm prime lens, the camera doesn't autofocus with that lens, I had to use the live view screen due to a wall. the LV screen isnt as accurate as the viewfinder for manual focus.

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