Gaming Setup - Computer Setup


A cat in your dorm room?
Seriously. What's next, a beer pong table?
German, not exactly an american dorm
Thanks, no it's not allowed to have a cat, but luckly the property manager loves cats too, so he said its no problem as long as nobody complains
When you say dorm room, do you mean a room appointed to you by you university? This looks more like an apartment to me.
Sounds more like one too.
I looked it up on wikipedia:) when you go to subsection "germany"
Ah a WG, I had a sinking suspicion your were from Germany. We just went over "Studentwohnheim" in my German class last week.
A "WG" is actually a "Wohngemeinschaft", not necessarily in a "Studentenwohnheim". I think the English term for "Studentenwohnheim" is dormitory, whereas a "Wohgemeinschaft" is just a shared flat (which might be located in a "Studentenwohnheim").
Thanks for the clarification! Your room is amazing.
I could tell from the windows. Germans love their fresh air. Just make sure it doesn't create a draft. Might get sick.
Yes i mean dorm:) i applied for it and there is a huge waiting list to get one,
Okay, well it sounds like they're far different from the ones in the US. Here we get to use the university's internet, and all of the residence halls are on campus (at least at my university, but I think that it's pretty standard across the US).
Well, to be honest i got a good one
For this, I MUST recommend an Alfa usb antenna. Have one at uni in the States, and I can pick wifi from every router in my building, the building across the street, and the little cafe on the corner. 'Tis amazing for ~40 USD....
Welp, two more coolcomputersetupss to add to my existing 8,999.
This is probably my favorite setup I've seen here, looks cozy as f*ck, really nice and not over-done. What's that you are using for your keyboard/mouse mat?.
Looks like the thing IKEA sells with the flap cut off on the left hand side. Maybe OP will confirm.
Yeah, i already posted the ikea link above.
The keyboard is a Ducky Shine 3 YOTS edition.
That a DORM? Either you live off campus, or you go to the best college EVER.
The room was completely empty when i moved in all furniture and everything is my own
Dorms are completely different in the US. They are just one step better than jail cells for the most part.
Definitely different. My dorm room right now is 15'x10' and I share it with another person. All of your furniture (bed, desk, chair) is provided to you, as well.
Not only is your setup really great, but the whole room is very aesthetically pleasing. I would love to live there. seriously, great job.
Thank you all for the compliments!
What brand/model speakers are on the PC?
They're these, I have them and they're fantastic!
How good is the bass?
It's decent, could be better, and honestly for the retail price it's less than I'd expect. I got them for $39.99, so I can't really complain.
Have them as well. They're really nicely designed. Bass is pretty good. There's a spindle on the hand control to change the volume from the bass speaker.
The room is 3x4.5 meters
Big and apparently you have it to yourself
Per semester, or per month? I dorm was 10x10 shared between me and a roommate and was ~$1000 a semester.
Every month, like normal rent
So assuming a semester is about 4 months long, you would actually pay more for your dorm than I did, but my dorm was cheap compared to main campus dorms in NYC, so there is that.
Worth noting is also that living-costs are lower in US and so is rent in general.
Im sitting in a uk uni room right now about 1/3 of the size of this room, it fits a bed and 3 steps to the Window
Two years ago i lived in another dorm, which was smaler too
That keyboard is titty poptarts. do want.
Just my way of expressing somethings awesomeness
Its a titty pop tarts way of expressing awesomeness
What is your phone on? Is it a stand and charger, if so may I have a link to it please :).
Tmvel Charging Dock Cradle for HTC One M7 801 801n 801s 801w Unlocked,...
Thank you kindly sir :)
Oh my god what's that keyboard?
It's a limited mechanical ducky. set me back quiet a fortune but my savings do not complain, for they not exist anymore
Nice keyboard / mouse mat. Where'd you get it?
What is that color dial or wheel on the wall to the left of the left speaker?
I really like this setup! You've done a wonderful job with a small space. I dig it!
What's that thing to the left of the keyboard?
It's a penrose triangle.
Not that, dumbass. the inductive charger next to the keyboard.
I actually meant to post this as a reply to the "what band has this as an album cover?" comment. My mistake, but no need to be a fucking asshole about it.
I envy your keyboard. Also I'm using that wallpaper.
Welp....I love your room. Props for that Ducky keyboard as well.
If that's a dorm then I don't know what the fuck I'm living in right now. Beautiful taste!
That is extremely neat! But you say dorm room. Who are you, Richie Rich?!
Well, if you save everything you have, do less party (work 20h a week) and don't buy other stuff
Good on you man, it looks amazing!
Damn! That is a fine set up you have there!
I trust me too. Very nice and clean setup though :). Loving everything you have there.
What monitor mount do you have and how large a monitor does it fit?
I got the cheapest wall mounts at a local store but they are similar to something like this.
CM Storms are probably the most bang for buck mechanical keyboards you can get as they are frequently on sale.
Whats speakers and volume dial are you using there?
Logitech z553, the control comes with them.
What mouse are you using?
I've seen it a couple of time... what is the program to allow you to have have multible taskbars?
Why would you want them?
That room looks like the fucking tits! I want to hang out there.
Hey man, since you like scarface so much, you should check out Tekmats as an alernative to your current mousepad thing. I just recently purchased a Remington 700 one (I love sniper rifles) and it's been the best mousepad purchase I've ever made.
Yeah, i've seen them couple of times and they sure look great, i had a razer goliathus xxl before which has similar sizes.
Nice setup. I'm curious as what books you have about your monitor, could you please list them.
Most of them are mangas,
Want band has that album cover? i see it everywhere.
It's a penrose triangle. overwerk uses it a lot.
Hey nice man! What badass white case is that?
Ahhh yes, the Mac lamp. How well does the little fella work?
Right now it doesn't work at all,
Server lamp, the best kind of server. gives you light when you need it ;)
Nice man, who makes the TV Stand btw?
Who would toss that little guy in a dumpster and how did you find it
It was at my old job,
What kind of notebooks did you get cause you lucky
Some really really old ones, not worth anything, at least 10 years old or so
The old laptops are the best to have around
No the old laptips are good for more than computing they are stools, home secutiry, etc
Dude this is awesome. that case is beautiful. You are by far the coolest kid in the dorm building
Solid as fuck. What switches on that YotS?
Been checking out those speakers, Logitech Z553 right? I can barely find any good info on them. How are they? How are they mounted to the wall?
I have them for my pc at home. They're decent enough but a bit pricy for what you're getting. They look and sound great though. Very sturdy and robust.
Wow same wallpaper as me. Nice.
What sort of tuner / AV selector do you use for your consoles?
Damn, that's a nice set up...
Replace the [ugly] ducky with a HHKB.
Holy shit this looks amazing, dude. You make me feel sad about my dorm...
Can you give us a list of all the programs/monitoring list/dock applications that you used on the desktop? Thanks :)
This is the nicest dorm room I have ever seen in my life...
I like it! Extremely nice and very spacious for a college dorm. I'd swap out the Scarface posters for something else though. Not that I don't love Scarface, but it's kinda cliche for a dorm.
Dude. Nice set-up. Up vote.
What office chair is that?
This is incredible, I'm jealous man. my dorm room was so ugly. Hah.
I hope this isn't weird to ask but umm.. Where do you sleep with all that stuff in there?
There is a normal sized bed, which you should see:)
Where did you get that large format image of Manhattan? It's beautiful!
Ah sweet, thanks for linking mate!
Hey do you like scarface?
What OS is on your computer? It looks like ubuntu to me but I could be wrong
Its windows.... to poster what tweaks do you use on your desktop?
Seeing this got me exited for college again
Jesus, have you heard of student debt?! Hahaha, great set up you got there!
Awesome dorm! What phone dock is that?
Where did you purchase the mat on your desk?
Mix of computer science and electrical engineering
Has complete Pluto set, checks out.
Rich parents orr bitcoin owner lol
Nice ducky, which htc is that? I'm still on my old desire hd.
Bloody hell that's a nice dorm. great setup!
What are you using to hold those Game Boy cartridges?
It's an old shoe boxes' top,
I guess I'm the first to ask, where can I get the OVERWERK wallpaper?
Living the dream man, that room looks awesome!
I need to know what that Goku poster looks like straight on, on the closet behind the door on the last photo.
Much more spacious than any dorm room I've ever had in the US or Japan! Great room, man. The coolest thing I ever found in a dumpster was a PAL N64 a few years ago in the middle of nowhere in the US Midwest haha. Still have not gotten the chance to test it out :/
It actually looked smaller when it was empty:]
What mouse is that
Yes, plays guitar and piano, very tech savvy, clean and well organized. I'm sure women must hate this guy.
I know plenty of autists that can't even interact with people at the supermarket and have all of those traits.
I don't post many links? Keep guessing
I really hope you're being ironic with those scarface posters.
What ROM is that on the HTC One?
I never put roms on my androids
Oh that makes sense, I just thought the notification bar was different for some reason. I love widget locker!

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