Gaming Setups - Computer Setup


Dear god, this is a work of pure, refined art. Seeing this I feel incomplete as a whole. Like my life hasn't been full-filled until I create something of that caliber.
Hah thank you very much, it's the one spot in my house that's untouched by feminine charm!
So living in a house full of kids and wife, you know what I want to know. Where and how much for biometric scanner?
It's the Adel Trinity 788, shop around but here's the model specifics:
How long do the batteries last, and is there any way to bypass the scanner should the batteries run out?
As heartbraden said, theres two failsafes: a 9V battery terminal at the bottom to get in when the batteries die.
Out of curiosity, what is that paint color you've got on the walls?
It's called Zeus by Sherwin Williams.
Do you ever feel like this setup isnt enough and are always looking for the next tech to make it better, the never ending cycle of consumerism, because that how i always feel.
I'm always tinkering and changing things. I've already got video card upgrades planned and I'm currently expanding my media wiring in our house.
May I ask what you livestream?
Two complete opposites: WoW gameplay and corporate presentations :)
Whats the twitch url mayne? I think we all must know.
Now, now, this isn't a contest of who has the greenest lawn.
It is a good thing too, otherwise we would have all just lost.
Damn dude, that is the best gaming setup I've ever seen. /coolcomputersetups.
Be careful making your mancave too mysterious. If I were your kid, it would be my life mission to get into that room. Anything from screwdrivers to burning the rest of the house down would be fair game.
If the door is open, the kids sense this and get in.
Little kids always manage to hit the reset button even when explicitly told not to.
You see that television on my wall? I've found handprints at the very TOP of the screen.
Children are like life's filthy little electronics ninjas. I could put a screen on the ceiling of a 20x20x20 vault with security greater than fort knox and there would be fingerprints on it by lunch.
Breakfast if you tell em not to touch it.
As someone who can't afford groceries this week... goddammit.
If it's any consolation, our grocery bills make me cry as well.
Dude, I have a family of four. I'm right there with you. and gets better brother.
Oh a man after my own heart. best film ever (in my own, often deeply flawed, personal opinion)
Holy crap I laughed so hard at that.
I will do this one day....
Have fun doing it, I know I did :)
What TV is that? i think i have the same one
Why would you ever leave this place?
Having kids pretty much guarantees this is my night time retreat only.
Oh I bet you long for the times your wife might say "I am going to take the kids to my mothers for the weekend. "
If only, my MIL lives in Arizona! :)
This is the only time it would be applicable to move your Mother-in-law closer. Not to close. But closer :)
I'm sure you could move her farther away, but just out of Arizona.
Upvote for a proper pair of Grados. Well done.
Grado fan for life. Love my 325.
Is that a mechanical keyboard? I'm doing a white/black build soon, and that white backlight looks really cool.
It sure is, its made by Deck and probably my favorite keyboard I've ever owned.
Is that also an Ikea Galant desk I spy?
Are you looking to adopt anyone?
I think 5 kids is enough for now :D
Dog > Kids . This is fucking awesome . If you don't mind me asking , what do you do for living ?
I would guess money printing.
Right now, pretty much. Buzz technology, riding that wave! :)
What. edit: oh nevermind, i see your actual answer below.
I own a software consulting business working in mobile technology (we build phone apps and responsive websites)
Well sir, you're pretty much where i want to be in about 5-10 years... (just finishing uni) Maybe not the managerial thing but maybe senior programmer at a mobile dev firm or maybe UX design for apps I really can't decide atm. Although im just toying with the idea of mobile UX design...
My suggestion would be to stay mobile, stay up to date and try different technologies / markets.
Thanks for the tips! I've always understood technology is forever changing and I understand that maybe mobile will kind of fade away and the focus will be on more HTML5 apps or server side applications(cloud) or maybe something new will come along the way.
A good core understanding is all you should need. I started in the dot-com bubble age and was lucky to make a sizable amount of money from that phase, but I still did my FORTRAN like everyone else.
Actually, CLE and AKR, we work in all of NEO really.
Interesting....I'll bring some cupcakes if you provide a job. :3
If you know Objective C / PHP / Ruby, PM me your resume ;)
I know some of those words.
You are living my dream.
Heh, thanks. Good luck with your own cave!
Are you playing wow on one of those? If so what class/race does a man of your caliber play as?
I sure am, I play a human death knight, a gnome warlock and a human shadow priest.
Who would have known somebody with the name JesusCock would be a father of two kids...
Haha. 5 kids actually :) (and a dog, two lizards and a hedgehog)
Wow, you must be doing pretty well for yourself! Congrats on an excellent mancave and ability to support a large family.
Thank you, I'm pretty blessed to have an amazing wife who supports our large family. It's pretty crazy to have 5 kids these days, but I always wanted a big family.
As soon as I saw the fingerprint scanner, I thought "Oh ya, this guy's got a fap cave"
Envy -> Jealousy -> Hatred.
I have been lurking this thread for quite a while now, and I must say this station is incomparable to anything ever posted. GG!
Awesomeness exudes from this room. I have nothing to add here, except, what pens are those? Are they Pilot G2s?
Thank you, they're actually a mix of Papermate felt-tip pens (flair) and Papermate profiles - I like thick, black pens.
Can we (mainly me) get a shot of the comics hanging up? I see some in plastic cases.
Those are pretty awesome. Should I display comics in my room if I have the blinds open all day? I have a huge window and I like the sunlight, but I'm worried it'll damage the comics.
It definitely WILL damage your books, so I would not recommend it.
Okay, thanks. I'll figure out something to do with them. Right now they're all just chillin in some magazine boxes.
What I did in my old office was I scanned my favorite books and printed them in color and hung those :)
If that white door is to a toilet, you have the perfect mancave.
It's actually a door to my storage/media room and to the left? building a bathroom :)
Very nice setup bro. especially since you have kids, the thumb scan is a very smart idea
They don't think so ;)
Wow, looks amazing! Excellent job getting it all set up!
Nice Guy Tech Dad: Has a bio-metrically locked man cave. Pictures of his family adorn the shelves.
You had me at the fingerprint reader
Two questions: 1. What coasters are those? 2. What is that cable catcher on your desk in the back holding the macbook chord?
The coasters are from Bed Bath and Beyond and were an impulse buy when my wife took me linen shopping one day (argh).
Where can you get that finger print reader?
So you're in your room, headphones on and the wife/kids have an emergency and can't get in. Pesky biometric fingerprint thingy.
I can't wait till I get out of college and full time job...
While neat, the EMT in me cringed at the thumbprint lock.
First thought was 'How is it so clean?!'. Guess a wicked door lock will do that for ya!
If your kids bypass the biometric lock, reward them :P
Care to elaborate a bit on your home network for streaming movies for the kids? I want to start something like this but have little information on what it would take to run successfully. Great job, BTW!
Sure, I'd be happy to.
You must be an amazing father.
What is that evga card under your sound card?
How do you do 5 displays from one card?
So you go in there to watch porn?
Only to watch some Jesus penis.
From one father to another: you are doing it right.
I absolutely love your man cave good sir. I would like to have something similar one day. I like how you're storing your comics too, I would like to get rid of all my cardboard comic boxes. I also have to ask you, where did you get such a bad ass lock on your door? That makes your man cave just that much more bad ass.
Found the lock for you, it's called the "Trinity 788" by Adel.
What lights are those behind the table?
First time i've ever been jealous of one of these.
Can you tell me where the captain America poster dame from?
Mother of god... I want.. No..I NEED this.
There's so many of these models. Which setup does he have here?
I have a near identical case as you, except I have 670's in SLI, leading to my question. I want to increase my airflow and put my SSD/HDD's in the front drive bays under my DVD drive.
The biometric lock just kinda tops the whole thing off. I'm going to have to steal that idea...
What's that transparent plate under your chair? does that help you move around in carpet floors? where'd you get it?
Well, pack your bags guys, lets go home, nothing left to do here.
Hah, indeed. I do think my room takes up only a fraction of our bill tho. My kids never turn a damn light off.
Saw his mancave And I jizzed in my pants
Holy fuck are you made of money
I really love that Cap poster.
What did you use for the triple monitor mount? Is it a specific one or not?
Not to be nosey, but I think I seen a server in your basement. If you don't mind me asking what kind of server is it (if it is one) gaming or website? Excuse me, I don't even know if what I seen was a server or not. Beautiful setup by the way.
5 kids, and a wicked ass gaming setup along with workshop and media center, that's admirable and totally rad.
One of the very few gaming setups that actually belongs in this coolcomputersetups.
There are two EVGA items in your computer, yet you only talk about one item. What exactly is the small EVGA thing?
Nice fapcave, sure the fingerprint scanner stays sticky!
But seriously, this looks like an awesome place man! :)
Would you mind indulging my curiosity on your methods for pulling cat cable through the house? We're looking at buying a home soon, and I've been racking my brain on how to get cabling to various rooms on the middle story...
I literally came. Good gosh do I want. What did you use to keep the wires from going crazy? I want to go out right now and buy it.
Where did you get that desk!?
This just aggravates me as my gaming setup is just an old poop box in the corner of my room that needs a new hard drive.
This.. This is very much put my setup to complete shame and I'm okay with that. this is something I need in my life at some point!
Congrats on a job well done. You probably worked very hard for it and it's definitely the most glorious mancave I've witnessed in this sub!
:O. that is all.
Sorry if this is a bit off-topic but curious...equalizer or not when using headphones?
How did you get the 5 screens from what seems just one GFX? Besides that, seriously awesome mancave!
Where did you get those beautiful posters at? Mainly the Star Wars one and Walking Dead.
The best one yet! IMO
Question conserning the m-audio av40. Are they really as good as I hear and are they worth the price?
Very well done. The thing that impresses me is how everything is chosen specifically. There is nothing random here. I read your comments and you know what you have. That is how I do things as well and I applaud you for it. Quality everything. I'm jealous. You mentioned Plex - what other programs have you found make your life better? I am a huge plex fan as well as teamviewer (among many others). Just curious if you use anything else I might like ;)
I have two questions. What model mini fridge is that? and where can I get that lamp?
This is about as close to perfect as I can imagine. Really well done. As an aside, what sort of dev are you doing?
Look at the stuff ill never get!
I see that you like Preacher. Best comic I've ever read.
Wow. THIS is really a mancave. Would love to have the same. And pretty good work also for the media server in the basement.
What is the second card below the video card?
May I be your child?
How is the mouse wire holder working out for you. I find my mouse wire is always hanging off the desk and I have to pull on it. Could you give me a link or name. Looking good. Fellow Ohio IT worker here.
Does Max the Corgi have a biometric keypad, too?
Can I marry your man cave?
That's a really nice DEN you have there. I especially like how neat your cables are.
Oh my god...that cable management.
My mouth is agape, and I'm not entirely sure what can be said that already hasn't. I just could not leave without at least saying BRAVO! Very classy and clean. I love it!
I've always dreamed of having lab space. Well done!
Was that an airport extreme I saw in that last picture? Those things are garbage in my opinion. Sure it hasn't broken, but you cant do crap with them and they choke like crazy
What exactly is a "media server"? It sounds interesting. What does it do?
So why do you use a DAC/AMP AND a sound card?
Wait. With 5 kids how did you find the time to do all that?
Not to sound stupid, but what is the EVGA part under the GPU?
Beautiful rig! the cabling is so clean and everything looks so tidy. well done, sir
This is the most wonderful office area I've ever seen and exactly what I've always wanted. I am in awe.
I've never been this impressed by a gaming setup before, this is amazing! Where did you get the mic from? Also, it would probably be faster for you just to make a detailed list on where you got everything, lol. Thanks for being an inspiration to us all.
So, you have a quadcopter?
I know i'm late to the party here but i've got to say, god damn dude, that is a nice setup you have, I wish I had my own tech room. what kind of speakers are those? how do you like them?
That lock.. Were can I get one ?
I dont know if someone has already asked i dont really want to read every comment but what do u do for a living? i envy i wanna be just like u! big family and an awesome room like that! u are living the dream!!!
Yep, that's pretty close to my idea of a fantasy workspace. Too bad the biometric lock won't keep his evil twin out, though.

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