Gaming Setups - Computer Setup


:) compared to the others I've seen here, I think mine is 'ok' :)
What headset is the black one on the stand?
Oh, it's for Playstation, darn..
I don't know about that model but the next model up (pulse elite) works on PC too and I think it sounds amazing. Pretty long lasting battery life too.
I think I might get one...
What is that blue keyboard? Looks like a mechanical one.
Just a regular QFR with MX Blues. Got the stealth with MX red cause girlfriend hated the noise lol... planning to paint the case red, so blue case for blue switch, and red case for red switches?
Are those two outer monitors de-bezeled? And really clean setup btw!
Yes, they are de-bezeled and thanks!
What kind of monitors are the ones on the outside of the LG?
Asus VS247H-P. Got them long before, they are nice, but would rather have IPS. I plan on replacing those in the future.
Oh I have the same monitors, I didn't know they came in silver.
Is that holder that's holding your pc from ikea? How much can it hold?
What is that large mat you have on your desk? I've been looking for something like that.

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