Home Gaming Center - Computer Setup


I second this. I wish that one day I would be able to manage my cables half this well. potato.
Shut your potato and stop asking questions.
I cannot believe a section for that exists.
I love the black on black embody. I have light gray on white. Best chair I've ever sat on.
But why do they cost so much. I mean, i would pay for something like that knowing that i will spend at least 8hours a day sitting on it. but fuck, that chair is worth more than some peoples entire gaming setup put together.
The chair is the only thing I envy you for! Not that I have better/fancier hardware, I don't, but in that matter it's enough for me what I have and I don't game too much. But I also (recently) noticed that a good chair is very important. I'm officially starting saving money right now!
Herman Miller spent tens (hundreds?) of millions of dollars for R&D. It's made in America and has a 12 year warranty.
open coolcomputersetups gallery "eh.. not bad." scroll scroll scroll "nice and clean" scroll scroll sunglasses "MOTHER OF GOD. They've been speakers all along." bookmark
If you have as much money as I picture you having, get a 5.1 / 7.1 receiver and take full advantage of your hardware. Do eet. Then report back.
I thought he would have beafier computer specs as well.
Actually that processor should still be able to handle most current games without too many problems - and his graphics card is good, which is more important for most games at the moment.
Good on you for chosing stereo, 5.1 is pointless unless you watch a lot of movies. I do think though, that you should take the speakers out of that shelving unit, makes the sound very boomy does'nt it? But good damnit it looks neat, brilliant setup mate.
5.1 is good for music when you want other sources of sound besides that one spot, say for a house party or something. And I agree that using the speakers there (unless there are dampeners or something) is definitely affecting the sound.
Mind me asking what you do that needs 8TB of storage? Video editing, perhaps?
I have the same flex card but i also have a 2gb referance edition
The monitors weigh like 10lbs each. You can hang 30-40lbs on drywall anchors without so much as thinking about breaking things.
Yeah, I hung a 46" TV and only hit one stud. The rest of the weight was on anchors, it's not that big of a deal if you use the right hardware and know the weight limits of what you're working with.
How do you like the cotytech wall mounts? Are they stable? Any slop in them or can you position them pretty exactly and have them stay where you position them.
Besides the speakers being in an undesirable spot, this is amazing, man. Bravo.
Came here to say this. That wouldn't sound good at all (hence the headset)!
Speaker placement is ridiculously poor. There is only one valid speaker placement: eye level, with the directionality of both speakers crossing at your head.
Yeah if you're wearing headsets for gaming and stuff I can see how it's not such a priority.
Sound quality notwithstanding, putting a bunch of spinning hard drives next to giant vibrating magnets is a generally a Bad Idea.
You could use some high end open-back headphones to get good highs and keep the large speakers for bass.
Given the placement and size of the speakers and the layout (tweeter up top) I bet this actually sounds pretty good.
All this station needs is a roll of toilet paper, then it'll be perfect.
The monitors are nice, but how can you call placing a high end PC an inch away from a radiator "perfection"?
Is that computer pushed right up against a heater? ¬_¬
That was my first thought as well. Your computer is shoved to the side like an afterthought. Why even put it in a fancy case, then? Wouldn't it be better to put it inside an unobtrusive, undecorated box? Even still, I would never put it next to a heat source or a couple of giant magnets.
As an audio engineer & sound designer, I find this room absolutely flawed. I am so disappointed that you aren't using those nice speakers properly.
Wow... TIL I might want to be an audio engineer/sound designer. What sort of education do you need to get there?
It varies. You don't always need education other than basically being an apprentice, but it helps vastly. I personally would like to study more electrical engineering so that I can build my own gear more easily. I have built a few DACs and ADCs, but my limited knowledge means I rely on schematics. It'd be fun to make some very sexy preamps from scratch.
I agree with everything you say. I also found nice clamp kind of stands for speakers that can also attach to the desk and lift them up in the air. Just like monitor arms, but for speakers. You can aim them at your position and fix at that.
Very impressive, but it feels too cold to me. It's almost too minimal. Perhaps it's just all the white.
Stunning. I will be coming back to this a lot for inspiration in upgrading my own computer setup.
Beautiful. I'd love to see how all of the cable management was done; especially the keyboard.
Looks a little....... too clean
Info on desk and speakers please. Beautiful setup
Swing arms that don't move (I mean, why invest in expensive monitor mounts that give freedom of motion when you can't...umm....move them?)
Well, he did pay 1K plus for a chair so you have to expect that from people that have that kind of money.
I spent close to that. I went with the Aeron instead of the Embody (kind of regret it, but it's too late). The control arm on the Embody really turned me off, it seemed like it would break. Anyway... I looked at where I spend most of my time. Most of my time is spent at the computer, so I should spend money to be comfortable there. My whole living room is hand-me-down stuff, but I have a nice desk chair.
Can you let me know what you used for the cable management?
This is an amazing gaming setup. How long did it take you to set everything up?
The best thing about that is your Herman Miller Embody. I've been eyeing that one for a while now. Did you have that from the get go or did you upgrade from an Aeron or another midgrade chair?
Fuck you and your magnificent cable management.
I have never been this hard before.
Clean, modernist desk. Black and white color scheme. PERFECT cable management. Sexy hardware. Clean monitor mounts. Mechanical keyboard. ATH-AD700's. I'm about it.
Love the sterile white look.
Ironically, I hate the sterile look.
That's beautiful. I'd only be able to maintain that for a day at most; my desks are a mess.
I'm jealous of your set up, so clean.
Easily the best computer setup i have ever seen. its sooooo clean!!!!!
INSANELY jealous of the Herman Miller Embody chair.
All I can say is. On the caution of thermals, you sure you want your rig next to the heater?
Cocky .... Yet you back it up. Good job sir.
You have shown it and you have shown it well.
Do you allow people or yourself to put food/drinks on your desk?
Based on the title, you kinda seem like a dick. but i gotta admit your setup is amazing. nicely done.
Wow... you are reaaaally proud of yourself arent you. That is also one of the most ocd rooms i have ever seen! What self respecting gamer doesnt have one single smashed mountain dew can on the desk or a pile of random cables at least somewhere...
Like everything except seeing the tower on the floor. It's just a recipe for collecting dust in your machine, and makes it more difficult to keep the tower clean.
Never are that many angles necessary.
I've always want to have that same desk and case. This is the most beautiful Gaming setup I've ever seen.
Good lord have mercy. We don't deserve you. I don't even care what equipment is there, it's just...so..clean.
You have great taste in headphones, good sir.
The giant flaw isn't so much the speakers as people mentioned, its actually that your setup is next to a window. That sir, is massive fail.
Wireless mouse for gaming is a no go.
Nice. Except for the computer RIGHT NEXT TO the radiator :D
Speaker placement is horrible, do you have some behind you for surround sound? 5.1 is really worth it. And why did you put your PC right next to the heater?
Oh the power of money..
You have defiantly inspired me to buy a mount for my monitors!
PC next to the heater? Don't think it's a good idea.
Wireless Keyboard and mouse. Cute. What does that piece of shit do, 1500 dpi?
Im sorry but that station has no swag
How can you afford that chair?
Perfection, i have a boner right now sir.
That got increasingly more impressive the more pics I looked at.
You really do have a talent for that.
Jeez thats a clean setup
I have a lady boner.
What you did there with the speakers... not okay!
Amazing, does anyone know what VESA mounts those are?
The G27 is my dream to have one. but sadly i can't afford one :(. every time i see one i tear up because its so beautiful.
My pants, I, I can't feel my pants.
My first impression was that you have a very nice set-up. My second was that your mother fucking HATES wire hangers.
Fuck yeah Das Keyboard. I just got mine this week and I'm not sure how I lived without one for the past two decades.
Your pc is beside your radiator. Literally right beside it.
Lol at the wireless mouse.
Very clean but why would you think it is a good idea to have speakers at your shins?
Cleanest I've seen on here. Top score!
Just try and pretend like it isn't normally covered in starbucks cups and chinese food boxes.
Is keeping your tower so close to the heater such a good idea?
My OCD just splurged all over my monitor
You are my hero, please let me know the details of the wall mounts so I can recreate this.
Monoprice makes some good ones.
I want your chair. Can I have your chair?
Do you have trouble with your chair rolling too easily on that hardwood floor?
Great gaming setup...however I would be worried about having my logitech G27 wheel accidentally flipping over the desk as the only thing that is keeping it up is the speakers.
Do you not have heating issues with everything crammed in one spot like that?
I want to do dirty things to your setup.
Firstworldproblems: My desk is too dirty for gaming setups
Nope nope nope, way too clean. Definitely needs some empty cans and chip bags on the desk for it to be authentic.
Now that is what I call minimalism.
Those speakers look dangerous. Do you have to get a permit for those?
Oh my god, its so damn beautiful. tears
So clean, so crisp, so jealous T_T
At first I was like, "Oh man I want one of those chairs."
How much were the monitor arms?
Mids and highs should be off the ground or at least pointed in that general direction. If you move those off the floor you will get better coverage and overall sound.
Those are some sexy floorboards.
Clearly you need better speakers
Your doing it wrong....that window should be boarded up so no outside shall interrupt your gaming experience
Have the same exact keyboard, nice cable management. Had me wondering how you did it at first then you showed the pic.
There is dust on your subwoofer. Whole gaming setup is ruined.
I was wondering, are you intersted in adopting a 22yr old?
What a wonderful build! The ATH AD700s are amazing. Do you get a good sound stage with your comp? It's hard for me to on my laptop. Anyway, the desk is so minimal and so clean that it just works so well. The das keyboard is lovely. And the 3 monitors. Best gaming setup I have seen. So simple and so perfect.
Snore. Colest thing is the back of your chair.
Lovely setup. The only thing I'd suggest is to add a couple of speakers on the desktop, or a full 5.1 setup, in addition to the bottom ones.
My computer could kick your computers ass..
Ah, it's so clean and efficient use of space by making speaker towers out of the legs of the table. Not so much computer screen that you need to sit at the opposite end of the room to take it all in. Very clean desk.
The most beautifull setup I have ever seen.
BUT: tower in the corner next to the heater and horrible placement of the gorgeous speakers
Hard to tell from the pics but it doesn't look like you are plugged into a UPS or any surge protection. Please tell me otherwise!
Can you hear yourself fapping with those acoustics?
I assume the subwoofer is inserted directly into the anal cavity for maximum effect
The DAS Keyboard with the Embody chair top it all off. Nothing better then a mechanical keyboard.
That's a silly place to have your speakers.
You have done a fantastic job with your setup. One of the most aesthetically pleasing gaming setups I have ever seen.
I came buckets, awesome set up. I love the minimalist nature of it. So clean. My only gripe is what everyone else has said, the speakers are in an odd place, not going to get good sound if your sitting at the PC.
How have you got three screens out of one computer?
Such a simple look. I like it :3
You put your PC in between a sub-woofer, speaker, and heater?
Only thing I would add is a classy framed posted to the left of the clock as it looks a little bare. Other than that, amazing.
So minimal, it's almost too much for me! Yes, on the tower as well.
Just a warning. I had a setup like this for a while, and if you like loud bass like me, your hard drive will be in for a rough ride. It's really not recommended to place such heavy speakers close to a hard drive, due to the vibrations.
You don't any more pictures?
Usually, I just lean back and think "nice" but you clearly put much work and thougt into this, so I think (hope) you will appreciate a bit of a critique.
My Aeron is still nicer. :)
Ginormous amount of money spent on that setup. Thats all I can see or think.
Your desk would go amazingly well with my NZXT Phantom :P...Btw, nice to see fellow racer.
How big is this desk? Where did you buy it? I'm finally moving into my own apartment and am trying to build a new computer, but first I need a desk.
Noob question here: do the screens to the left and right of center improve peripheral vision?
So clean and white, pains me eyes!
It's so...clean. I haven't seen anything like it before.
I think it's great. I think all nine thousand pictures were absolutely necessary.
If only i had the money....
Why are the speakers pointed at the wall behind you at foot level?
The only thing you are missing is the toilet paper dispenser.

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