Pc Setup Gaming - Computer Setup


Having a smaller desk with two computers put a strain on my 7 year relationship with my bestfriend haha we decided it wasn't gonna work so now we have two desks.
Fuck no man, too far, take that shit back right now and apologize
? i don't get it. wwwww is what JP users use as the equivalent of lol to my knowledge. Why would I be downvoted for this?
Why do spanish people laugh like this online?!?! I thought it was just the ones I was friends with on facebook.
Jalepeno is pronounced Halepeno. Jajajaja is pronounced hahahaha.
In the spanish language the J is pronounced as H. Therefore they type Jajaja
Do you also like ADTR?
You made me go through all the pictures with a fine comb just to realize his shirt.
And her coolcomputersetups name is Mylifeforhire.
Your PC setup looks like you have way too little room.
No complaints here, we use quite high sensitivity so mouse pad space isn't needed. Larger desks are on the list anyway!
Good good. I'm just speaking from experience here. We were completely fine with about that much deskspace when we first set it up, but had to upgrade after a while.
Yeah I can see why we will need to after a while, thanks for the tip!
I'm confused as to why time would make you need more space? Unless you plan on like, never picking up anything that lands on it haha.
Why not just put the computers somewhere else? Never understood the whole putting it on your desk thing... I need the room!
Well you're a console gamer, so it's understandable why you went for high sens. Most new gamers do that too.
Semi-professional gamer here, and I use 6" (15cm) per 360. It's all about personal preference, although most pros prefer very low sens, I've seen a few that use something like 5"/360 in games like Quake and Team Fortress.
Like who? Also, what does semi pro mean?
I played some tournaments, nothing in person though. Lots of scrimmaging, and I was on quite a few teams, but we never went big time. I've kind of given up on FPS though. Not because I'm tired of them, but because League of Legends occupies all my time now.
That's what people call amateur.
Semi-pro is a fancy way of saying that I played professional tournaments, but not as a profession, if that makes any sense.
How did you end up in pro tourneys?
Semi pro at fps, silver at league..
I'm not Silver. I've been in Gold for quite some time now. Regardless, being good at FPS games doesn't secure me a spot at Challenger in League.
Is this not just a remnant from the days of Quake mouse acceleration?
Ah well thankyou for the tips!
Congrats on not being a fat gay couple. I mean congrats on the new kittens.
It's from the comments. They said on the first post everyone thought they were either fat or gay. So I played on that.
Ah, I'd missed that. Thank you for the context.
No worries brofessor. Have a safe labor day weekend.
Wish my wife would play computer games with me. =-(
I do things she likes all the time, she's just not a gamer.
Dont hurt me... no more
Should've kept the other chairs, they look amazing!
We still have them! Theyre opposite the TV as our console/movie watching chairs. Theyre not meant for PC gaming as its really low to the ground and no back support :(
That is cute and all, but looks cramped. Nonetheless, it's pretty cool.
Couples who play together stay together, amirite?
Sounds like something an old swinger would say.
You guys make a cute couple :)
Now they need to post pictures of the sexing.
Nice setup but Jesus those tables looks like they're straining. Also the way you have the towers positioned on the very end of it... The one on the right, one wrong elbow movement with your mouse hand and crash!
Moving them to the middle would be safer, prevent screen peeking, and you could place a box of pizza in between them to keep it warm.
You really make mouse movements forceful enough to knock a tower PC 20cm off a table?
It's nice to see another member of the elite :)
You think you are the true elite? Try Alt + Left Shift + Numlock
The amount of times I've turned around rapidly and hit my monitor/drinks/headphones/pets off my desk...
Bro do you even lift?
They are heavy enough not to fall that easily.
The one on the right also looks like it's right up against the side of a bookshelf.
Larger desks are next on the list, but they are great for us for now! Edit: They do have metal legs and around the outside of the table, the PCs rest on that. There is no indication they are straining thus far anyway :)
That's how I had mine set up in my dorm and the only time it even almost fell was when my drunk friend stumbled into the room.
A tip about the cats. If you want chill cats, don't be so careful about how you carry them, touch and play with their paws all the time and generally bother them a little while they are sleeping or just chilling with you. The result is that you can carry them with one hand if you carry something in the other, they don't get angry and are generally the perfect cat :)
If this is what gay couples do - where do I sign up.
I have a gay brother, and this is pretty much how it is. We geek out then go on with our lives!
In all seriousness, if being gay just equates to having an awesome bro (in the friend sense) to hang out with all the time and do bro stuff like game etc in totally up for that, things would be a lot simpler :P
How do you handle sound interference from both of you doing different things?
We both use headphones, don't actually have speakers!
Thanks for the reply. That's nice of you two. My wife doesn't like using headphones...so we end up digitally bathing in separate rooms.
Me and my SO also sport the headphones since if we both had speakers her Korean dramas sound would mix with my The Walking Dead videos.
That's awesome! How did the two of you meet? If you don't mind telling a short story :)
He was a friend of a guy who I tattooed regularly, we liked each others pictures and statuses and discovered quickly we're both into gaming in a big way!
That's really sweet, cheers to the both of you!
This made me all happy and funny feeling. I'm happy for you two!
...can I be your son?
What games do you guys play together?
Mainly bf3 and guild wars 2, we play a lot of games separate too! I stick to RPGs and story based games but getting into FPS's a bit more now.
Try Borderlands 1 and/or 2. It's a shooter with a dash of RPG sauce wrapped in a comedy tortilla.
Yeah, this is a fun couple's game. I like to snipe heads as Zero while he runs in wharrrgarbling because he's a gunzerker.
I do some wharrrgarbling from time to time myself, only as Krieg.
Oh man. Your kittens look almost identical to my cat. I miss that age.
Theyre x-rockers :) Really nice console gaming chairs as theyre low and sloped, but had to get desk chairs for PC gaming!
So jelly! You guys are a cute couple and it's a really clean setup! :D It looks a little cramped though
Thanks! It does look a little but it isn't at all! We both have plenty of room with no elbow knocking :)
What monitor is that and what are the system specs of the PC? I really like it!
Should've put the 4th photo's description on the 5th photo. On the internet, nobody knows that you're a cat!
How much to buy your relationship, or maybe just rent
Wow, this is one of the best dual-setups i have ever seen on this sub! Great job organizing the desks. I hope that you are preparing for BF4, good luck!
We are so excited for bf4! Heading to London for the Eurogamer convention next month and I'm pretty sure we'll be able to play it then!
Sounds great! I'm always up for adding new steam or origin contacts :)
Cool! MY origin username is cr0mecat!
Also the demo beta on October 1st/4th (dependant on your access to the 'exclusive' first few days).
How the hell do you guys keep your cables alive with TWO kittens? I lost two mice to my wife's stray kitten.
We kept all the cables behind a large wooden board for the first few months, theyre good kitties and have never chewed them anyway!
Those cats are beautiful.
That's a really sweet gaming setup you have! What games do you guys usually play?
He plays FPSs like BF3, I play RPGS and story driven games, a bit of everything really! I played battlefield for the last year or so, I dont suck as much as I did when I first started, but I wouldn't have played it before I met him!
Cool I just checked his ChrisPlays channel and yours too and you guys got some really cool clips :)
I used to have one of those chairs, mine gave you a sore arse after a couple of hours.
Sorry about that I didn't scroll down and see threat of the pics, sorry again pretty cool and congrats.
Ah its cool :) thanks!
You guys are going to be so cute together when you are 85.
It looks like you just clone-stamped a cat into two in the last pic.
This picture made me realize I've wasted 6 months of my life on this site.
That's the same chairs I have!
Love how everything matches, well done!
Judging by your name, you play Starcraft as well I'm guessing?
Noo a lot of people ask that, but its simply a song by A Day To Remember!
My favorite song by them!
I have that same shirt! Recognized it immediately.
You're thinking of the phrase, my life for Aiur. Not hire.
A popular spoof is "my wife for hire." Easy to get them all jumbled.
My girlfriend and I are working on a similar setup. Yours turned out so well!
How do I know you aren't just talking about your fat boyfriend?
(I'm the fat boyfriend, though)
This is awesome. Just so much win.
Love the kittens, We've got a pair of 3 month old black kittens (1 girl and 1 (it turned out) boy).
They are awesome lap cats while we play too! Like furry water bottles.
That...was...awesome. You could EASILY hit front page with that...you know for the credit battle-points
Super cute :) I love all black cats
Do you have any reason to believe they cannot see well currently?
I swear you stole my cat, de-aged him, and cloned him.
As much as I am all for PC gaming over console gaming, I honestly think your setup looked better before you switched to PC.
What a beautiful loving relationship :-)
Having a sweet gaming setup and a gf/wife that plays games = true happiness.
You guys are literally in my ideal relationship.
"Here's our old setup. Here's our new setup. Aaaand Cat's for credit" Coolcomputersetups loves it's cats.
Why do you feel you have to prove yourselves with a self pic to random people on the internet? Great, you aren't fat, or gay, so what?
Living the lives everyone wants... FU.
From what he tells me that's how it is. Think of your best male friend. Now think about how it would be living with him. That's how gays are. Except, they have sex with each other. Total bros.
Marry that woman, sir. Yesterday.
Dude you guys look like a nice couple and I have the same chair as your first setup.
Karma machine couple of the year. Both of you are good looking people who play video games with sweet set ups and cats.
You look like Rose from Two and a Half Men.
That room must get very hot.
Hhnggg, living the life, where to find waifu?
I remember that! Congrats on you two being enlightened by our lord Gaben
Omfg just realised we are in the same battlefield clan. In the face ftw.
Good looking white people, what stereotypical gamers. ha nerds.
Now this... this is the type of relationship I want.
The transformation is complete. Welcome to the family.
Please clone yourself, there needs to be more women like you.
You went from $$$ looking chairs too shit walmart chairs that will fall apart in 3 months....
Ive said in many other comments that decent chairs are next on the list, when we switched to PC those other chairs have no back support and are really low down so we chose our health for now.
Yeah, a decent chair makes a big difference. I didn't even realize how bad my old chair was until they got me a new one at work. You might end up spending more than $500 each, but it's totally worth it. Think of how many hours you spend sitting on it, and how many years it will last.
This makes me sad, not that you are happy but I will never have this... god I'm depressed...
Why will you never have this?
Boyfriend's, you messed it up again.
I like how they you say you switched to PC but still have the screens on and there is a playstation menu ಠ_ಠ.
Where is there a playstation menu? Mine is a desktop screen and my boyfriends is the battlefield 3 profile screen.
If you're looking at the first picture, she clearly says that it's the "old console setup."
Yeah we clarified that so yeah ಠ_ಠ
I'm SO glad you guys aren't a gay or fat couple, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to fully admire your computer setup. Thank god you're an attractive white couple. Thanks for pointing that out. /s
When I saw that i was thinking "she has gotta be ugly" I was right... BINGO!! That is why she stays my friend.
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