Programming - Computer Setup


You can get a lamp, add speakers to the computer setup, or you could always get a second monitor.
If his PC allows it, why not get another 2 and make it triple monitors?
Would need moneys, but I'm planning to someday.
I was thinking of picking up one of those glass desks from amazon, how is it?
I actually got this desk from Fry's for like $60
How do you like it?
I enjoy it. Although glass desks usually require a lot of maintenance. Also I hid most of my wires with zip ties, usually looks ugly with lots of wire hanging around. But overall it's nicer than my old wooden desk. More room to work and place things. Also it allows a lot of room for expansion, which I'm planning on doing in the future.
More monitors maybe a speaker system and you're good to go
Bike. You can get a bike on your desk. :D
Hmm... good idea. You can consider it done.
Awesome. Bikes are always a good thing to add on a desk. I think a black bike would look pretty damn cool
You are racist against against girls >:[
Looks good, though not sure why you have random sunglasses, phones, controllers, portal guns strewn at random intervals. It's better to use velcro cable ties than zip ties. Also raise your computer off the floor, it's not a vacuum!
Also what should I raise my computer on?
Well, your desk is kinda small so even though you could put it up there, it probably wouldn't be great. You only need to raise it 4 inches or so, perhaps just cut some wood to size.
What's the rainmeter skin surrounding the object on the wallpaper on the last pic?

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