Programming - Computer Setup


It gets the job done and it probably doesnt help havi.g the massive tower next to it.
Off the top of my head: Saphire vapor x 7770 Amd fx 6000 something 600w psu 16gb ram (not sure of brand)
Hey man thanks for the link :)
Replying so i can download later
I like using CPU-z but I'll have to try this out.
Make sure you don't suffocate your PSU on the carpet. It looks like there in ventilation on the bottom.
This case isnt directly on the ground.
Even so, it's close enough to function as a vacuum!
Wow, is that a u37?? How did you fix the driver issue, whenever I plug mine into my computer it cuts off all other sound...
What's the case like? I'm considering buying it.

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