Work Station - Computer Setup


If someone where to break into your house and steal it, what address would they be breaking into?
If you were to break into his house to steal it, what address would you be returning it to?
If the police were going to search a house to locate a stolen computer, what's the address of the house they'd be searching?
You mean a stolen stolen computer?
A soon to be stolen stolen stolen computer.
You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen!
You people are all creepers! Dude, if you want protection, I'll be here for you. I just need your social security first.
He's the pope god-damn it. To the Vatican!
If anyone were to steal a house, how would they do it?
Specs on the quad? I have an x525 I'm learning with, yours looks similar. Any tips?
Did you program it? If so, what electronics do you use for control and what software do you use for writing code? I'm the head software/controls guy for a robot that a team at my university is building for a competition that we hold yearly and I don't have tons of experience with this stuff yet. The languages I know right now include C/C++ and Pascal, but I feel like I'll probably have to learn a new language or use C somehow. Any help is appreciated!
I cant program even if my life depended on it:P So cant help you there:/ But you will need one of these to program the board:
Oh, well, we actually build an entire robot on our own. Although I may keep this in mind. Could you link me to something for the actual quadcopter you have?
Yup, this is the kind of quality build you'd only find at bit-tech. Beautiful, beautiful rig man.
Why did you post the gaming setup in the comments?
Did you post a link to the build log on OCN? I know that the Caselab guys use to want links to all of them to show off how awesome their cases are. Though in your case it's more how awesome good 3D printing is.
This case is one of the very first m8 cases produced and was given to me to mod:-) the work log is on ocn 's sponsored workload section.
I wish I was you! Sexy computer & badass quadroter... If I swung that way.... ;-)
Is that a Maus tank replica? What's it made of?
I drew, and 3D printed it:) Material is ABS
Quadrocopter! :D Put a Go-Pro on that thing!
This is hands down the most beautiful pc I have ever seen, the inside that is.
Wow. That is easily the most beautiful PC I have ever seen. There are some others that come close, but that's just insanely sexy.
That doesn't even come close to OP's build. He fucking custom designed and 3D printed ever single cable covering you see. Go through his buildlog, the attention to detail is mindblowing.
I got way too excited over this, ops custom build connectors did excite me more though although the custom piping on this thing looks amazing.
I agree that it is a very sexy looking pc but do people not look at completed builds on other websites?
You can't just post pictures like that and not give us some descriptions.
Sorry:D Link added in comment above:)
Not trying to be rude, so please don't take it the wrong way! Gorgeous case, LOVE it. But could you post me the specs? I looked through and couldn't find the exact specs, only the work log of the case itself. Would love to know the specs of all parts.
Is this coolcomputersetups necessarily about entire setups? I think that's just what we're used to seeing.
Generally, yes. A gaming setup is the place you game, or do whatever at. It is your station, your post.
I am terribly fucking sorry :)
Don't forget the absurdly large spoiler!
Ground effects too. This thing needs streetglow
Some subwoofers on the back wouldn't hurt either.
Yes! I love it. Closer to the hard drives, the better. That way your mp3s don't have to travel as far to get to the subs!
First thing I thought too.
Agree, but those replacements look pretty bad too. It would look nice with some little tapered legs like they put on high end speakers and subs. Of course that'd eliminate the easy of transportation.
Specs for the interested:
Wow, do specs like these even need that much water cooling? I guess his cpu is overclocked, but the rest seems completely normal
Isn't Corsair dominator the $400+ RAM? :O
He ended up getting it sent in by a sponsor, the lucky bastard ;)
No, there are different versions of dominator ram.
Running windows XP 32-bit ?
Just to let you know you're shadow banned. Everything that you post will go straight to spamfilters.
Thanks! I forgot to post it:)
WOW. Everyone needs to check this site out. I have no more need for porn. (SFW)
Until you've looked through all of the builds and start lusting for more.
The whole thing is watercooled :-) i only keep the main res 2/3'erd full. Since the system is a closed loop this does not affect anything though.
And is that just some kind of white coolant, or did you mix to get the milky color? I always see green, never seen white.
It is milky white coolant:) Even though i would recomend clear coolant. I just put the white in for show.
I love the white. It reminds me of the blood androids have in Alien/Prometheus.
Ohh it's the reservoir.. ok.. it looked like a plastic curtain at first sight :)
I could be wrong but pretty sure that is the reservoir for his liquid cooling, water build up is probably from the heat in the reservoir.
It's as though it was touched by His Noodly appendages, this is a beautiful pc. Congrats. The color coordination is simply asounding
That's a freaking masterpiece. One of the most beautiful rigs I've ever seen, and I've seen a few. That's called hard work. Awesome job !
5100$ with danish taxes and stuff:) Much cheaper in the US
Is that not including the free stuff?
Thats including everything exept the 3D printing.
I think it'd be friggin hilarious if someone with such a beautiful build just had like dozens of toolbars, running IE6, chock full of malware and complaining about the system still somehow running slow.
Can you play the facebook on that thing?
I just memory leaked all over my pants.
Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL computer setup!
Good god dude. Yep, you win life.
Lies. When it turns green, rinse and repeat:D
I'm guessing that you custom made those white cable covers (?) not sure what to call them. I would buy those in a heartbeat, the only thing I hate about my PC is the cables and I'm too lazy to sleeve them.
You would be paying through the nose. Each covering is custom designed and 3D printed, judging by the buildlog it took over a year to complete.
Holy crap, now that's a build one can schlick to! Excuse me ill just be in my bunk
Tell us the temperatures you get while your processor and cards are on these drugs.
Idle temps:) Load does not get much higher. I just adjusted the system to always have the fluid temperature between 31 and 33 degrees. This is more than enough to cool the hardware, and with the radiators in this thing, i can almost do this passively.
With "waterfall"-style reservoirs, is there any danger of introducing air into the loop?
None at all:) And it is not a waterfall style reservoir. There is two sets of turbulence "killers" inside the main reservoir.
Haha welcome to a very unique club. Dont know why they get so much hate:D I find them classy :D
It keeps it off the ground too!
Are you the stalker everybody keeps talking about?
Lol! I've just never heard of someone 3d printing they're cooling pipes or wtv
If you can think of it, you can 3D print it:P Its the new rule 37.
You printed the pipes? I assumed you just hand made them.
So, what's your car look like?
How much did it cost to make this? How can one make this?
Your cooling system is really beautiful. This is one of the best pc setups I've ever seen. What are you specs and how the fuck did you get that cooling system done.
Holy crap it's so organized, clean and shiny. I would even be afraid to touch it, it's so beautiful.
And I thought my comp was okay... Now I am ashamed of it...
It's ok... It's just that our rigs are mortal, made of fans and wire...
Sadly this is so... Mine is just a chimera of parts I found on Newegg. Under 1k. It does what I want it to, but I wish it looked like some of these here on Gaming setups.
Just when I thought I had seen the best...
Sorry:-) pic of the computer setup added in top comment:-)
What /r/ should this go in, without the late added computer setup pic? I'd love to follow a section with some sexy rigs like this.
Yeah exactly. I'm talking about a sub where $2k+ builds are showcased. Ya know, not including monitors & periph. Just glorious, expensive innards.
Unbelievable! What a killer setup, so damned cool and sleek too!
Okay so the colours are either freaking perfect or you actually took the time to make the photos black and white and leave certain parts in colour...?
Fuck that's so jizztastic.
This is the mother ship.
Looks like a freaking future machine.
I've seen/heard about this casemod somewhere. It was notable in the nanotech community because it used nano boron nitrite particles. And because the particles were so small, they didn't clog up the fins in the heat exchangers.. That's what makes the fluid opaque white, right?
Ohhh gawwwdddd that is sexy!
I wept it was so beautiful.
Excuse me while i go revaluate my life choices
Sexy! File that under machine porn.
What is your purpose for such an expensive and powerful computer? From the comments you don't seem too heavily into gaming. Is it work-related?
I mostly build it because I could. Its just a hobby workstation for photo/video editing, small amount of gaming, music and films:)
You mention that you're going to school - whats your degree in?
Integrated designs:) (relatively new education, and a subform of engineer) I only need two semesters, and I am done. Next semester will be an internship at SteelSeries (woooooh!), and then my final project:)
Congrats!! If your skill here is any indication, looks like you'll come out making a fortune!
Now just wait for it to get filled up with dust and cat hair.
What do you do? And how do you do it?
Thats a beautiful rig. WHat stops me from going watercooled is the question of how to replace the liquid after awhile.
This is brilliant, the 3d printing in this really makes the build in my opinion.
That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.
Epic as hell, until i noticed only 4 USB ports. made me lol. but that thing is fucking GODLY
4 in the front, 8 in the back and 2 in the keyboard:) I think i can manage:D
Oh, I only saw the 4. But that is probably the sickest case iv ever seen. You have inspired me to build another new rig
I have the strangest boner right now...
How many banks did you rob to afford this?
Have any Canadians or Eskimos asked to live in there?
I love how the little bit of copper stands out so much in this case
This would have been a lot more nice if so many of the photos weren't in black and white.
I must say, sir, that this setup is absolutely gorgeous.
I would have sweet love to this computer all night
This is beautiful. I wish I had any idea of what most of it is.
Do you mean the hardware? :-) and thanks!
Hehe thanks. It also took quite the time to build, and I am currently working on a new monster that I hope ends up on top too when the time comes:-)
Hehe thanks. It also took quite the time to build, and I am currently working on a new monster that I hope ends up on top too when the time comes:-)
It's always a little disappointing when awesome recently upgraded PC's (IE Corsair fans, ram, and WC kit) feature really under-powered old base hardware. Why not spend the money that was spent on thousands of dollars worth of WC kit on thousands of dollars worth of actual hardware? Without awesome WC this could of had like a 3960x and 7970 Crossfire.
1: I do not need it
How so is this sponsored?
Read the work-log linked above. Corsair likes his work and what he's done in the past and expect this computer to get a lot of page views, so sponsoring him with equipment gets their products out there too.
Yes but will it run Crysis 3
We will find out wont we:D

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