Work Station - Computer Setup


Ahh I love that case, do you recommend Silverstone cases like that? Do you have any problems with it? And what kinds of temps do u get?
I just upgraded to this case and I love it. I have had absolutely no problems. The only complaint I can think of would be that cable management can be a bit difficult with the location of the holes.
How do you like the Nostromo? I just got one and i can't tell if I like it. It takes some getting used to.
I just got mine as well and am still trying to get used to it lol.
Did you purchase the desk with the extended arm for the TV or was that a DIY. I'm looking to do the same thing for my desk without having to purchase a brand new one.
I bought the arm for the monitor for about $50 I think? It has a vice clamp to mount to the desk.
Good stuff, I'll have to get one for my own, probably in brushed aluminum if available.
This is my gaming setup that I've been slowly upgrading when I can afford it.
You've been there long enough to get two dogs?
Yup, been living here since June of 2012 and will be leaving June-October 2015. However, I would like to move back after I get out.
Good on you man. I like your build and those are some nice dogs. Did you learn the language yet?
Thank you very much. I'm getting there. I have a very limited vocabulary currently, so I generally use simple words and hand gestures to get my point across. Most people are very willing to bear with me, which is great. Amazing country to have the opportunity to live in.
One of my high-school teachers that I now consider a friend said that living there was one of the best experiences he has had. He made friends with an old WWII Captain who lived next door and used to drink with him after coming home from work and talk about life and how crazy it all was.
Haha, sounds about right. Base is very similar to the states. It makes the culture shock a lot easier to deal with because you pretty much get to go back to America at the end of the day :P
Sorry I wasn't clear, the Captain was Japanese. After my friend moved back to Canada the Capt visited him and his family.
Ah, I was kind of making a side note since I figured your teacher didn't live on a base. So he fought for the Japanese in WWII? I wish I would of had the opportunity to meet somebody like that. I'm assuming it would be difficult now because they would be in their nineties atleast and I'm not sure how kindly they would take to me :/
Yeah it was really cool since before that he only knew the American's side of those battles. The Capt didn't even really side his ideals with anything but his own sense of being. He was a leader on a ship and knew things had to be done. He thought it was all none sense but he had a role to play. He thought war was a stupid ideal of leaders playing chess. I'm botching his story with drunkenness.
Finally a person with a great gaming setup and an even better pair of dogs...I have a shibainu aswell :)
Haha, thank you very much!

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