Work Station - Computer Setup


Must be fun to have friends
That it is, that it is. We're always open to more people if you're in Cincinnati!
I'm a UC student and I play league and sc2. Where do I apply?
Such a small world O_o. Do you use Facebook? If so, PM me your account.
Oak hills junior...probably too young to be able to chill with you guys :/ Looks fun though!
Shoot me a PM anyway!
Looking through that album I just kept thinking "damn I wish I knew people in Cincinnati that held LAN parties.."
Me too! How strange. I live in London though. In the UK. But I thought about Cincinnati anyway.
Me too! How strange. I live in London though. In the UK. But I thought about Cincinnati anyway.
Theres a lot going on in basements in cinci
I just wish I had friends like that, PC Gaming is boring when you play alone.
I wouldn't say that it's boring altogether, it's just so much more fun when you actually have friends to play with.
I too go to UC! This shit looks fun as hell.
You guys planning on going to the MillionManLan in Louisville this year?
No Sir. We are attending the Nexus LAN north of Dayton in 2 weeks however.
Yep I really want to attend as I will be in Dayton all this summer. Unfortunately I will not have a source of transportation to accommodate my setup but I will try so very hard to figure something out.
I didnt know Dayton still had any one running lan parties after the daytonlanfest fiasco.
Damn, I've been looking for guys in Cleveland to LAN it up with.
Just went to Cleveland last weekend, will never ever go back.
Good answer. I lived there for a year. I'd sooner move to Haiti than go back to Cleveland.
Lol Why's that? Cincy isn't that great of a place either.
I am in Northern Kentucky and I play League.
Damn, I'm like 1.5 hours away (Columbus), id'e love to find a weekly LAN in Cbus.
And a big sofa chair and keg
Tell that guy to get his feet off the desk. gross
Just told him. He said fuck off.
Today OP was the man.
I was just about to say how that guy putting his feet up would piss me off to no end.
Just put on some goddamn socks if you're going to be jamming your feet near people's faces.
This makes me so.freaking.jealous! I live in a small town, comprised of mostly 50+'ers (Santa Fe, NM) and have one.single.friend that comes over to LAN/WAN game. I even have 2 independent high speed connections and enough space to seat at least 8. *sad trombone
It's been growing for 5 years
I don't think I've ever had that many friends. Kudos.
Gawd... who's the Sasquatch that puts his big ol' smelly feet up in that poor guy's face?
I think the biggest feat was having girls at a lan party
These pictures do not include my ex-fiance, for obvious reasons ;)
Although i haven't really seen girls playing so hard as guys, it's not rare at all to have them at a LAN party.
Yep, my place, every. Single. Week!
How do you guys set up every week?
Not sure what you mean..
Assuming he meant, do you leave all the stations there or everyone individually takes them home, brings back setup, repeat.
Eek, how long does that take?
People roll in the whole time, not long at all.
Out of curiosity, how old are you? I'm 27 and trying to decide if that part of my life is over or if there's still hope. :P
I'm 30 and game regularly along with having a career, kids, wife as best friend etc. It's over when you want it to be over.
Myself and OP are 23, life isn't over, you can just afford better stuff now
Have you ever been to a LAN party before? Usually takes me ~10 minutes to set my desktop up, 10 minutes to break down/pack. If you go to LAN parties regularly you learn how to setup/breakdown that shit fast.
I guess that's fair, and that makes sense. And no I haven't - I don't have friends :(
When i was in high school we had this shit down to a science... we all had a big sports bag ( ironic choice i know :p) that had mouse, pad, keyboard, headphones, other misc shit like cabling, flash drives, or ipods etc. and all the stuff was arranged so that the monitor would sit in the middle of the bag and was padded by a sweatshirt, slung the bag over the shoulder and carry your tower. we kept our setups at our home stations pretty permanent so the only things that physically came off the desk was the monitor and tower. all the cables and keyboard/mouse stuff stayed in the bag. it practically took 2 minutes to be walking out the door and ~10 minutes from arrival on door step to set up, booted up, with beer in hand.... good times
The REAL question that should have been asked here is where do you live and can we all come over?
If you live in Cincinnati, then yes!
That is freaking awesome!
I have been attending these weekly parties for 3+ years now and its been a fun time.
Can confirm. He's tall and hairy as fuck, and shown in a number of these pictures.
Holy shit you guys have huge LANs! How does the network support all that in one place? I see you're playing LoL, which I don't think can be played with an offline network...
I have a fiber connection to my house with 50/20 speeds.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. 50/20? Is this through Cincinnati Bell? That's the only company that comes to mind with fiber in the area. I have terrible TWC speeds.
How did the girls get past the force field?
It was tough man, but we eventually punch a hole through it.
Was that a keg of yuengling? It looks like it from the red squares along the side. Also, nice LAN party haha
I live about 20 minutes from pottsville, I see them all the time haha.
It's our favorite for sure
Oh good...I was worried it was more Bud Light!
I thought it was a giant canister of N2O haha
Yuengling is so fucking fantastic.
Is this a common sentiment? Yuengling is a Philly classic, but it's cheap and considered low tier here.
In Arkansas we have 0 beers on par with Yeungling's taste + price point. We have good beer but it cost an arm and a leg, and we have shitty beer that cost an arm or is utter shit.
Yeah, Philly here. Don't see many people saying " Ooooh, yuengling!" Ha
I'm from Wisconsin & travel to Ohio twice a year for business. I import 2 cases of it each visit. Such a tasty treat!
I recently had my first taste of this godtier beer in North Carolina, living in Arkansas I bought 3 cases so all of my friends could try it and my one friend from NC loved me for bringing some back.
You don't need Yuengling when you have the precious New Glarus beer at your fingertips :) (jk, I like Yuengling too)
I toured their brewery last year while on a camping trip to the state park. Pretty boring & massive facility, but I'm glad they save their energy in producing great beer for just us Wisconsinites.. I love beer....
I haven't been to a LAN party in 3 years. It made me very nostalgic.
The atmosphere at LAN parties is just so awesome. I wish more gathering had the same vibe.
Must be a fucking desert in there. How many PCs are there in that single room?
Between 6 and 13 depending on the day. Yes, it does get hot.
Just how big was this party?
These are images over the course of a few months. Our largest ever was 16 people with 10 xBoxes, our biggest PC one was last week with 13 people and 13 computers.
Do you mind if i come to your next lan party and just wank in the corner, and then eventually just spontaneously explode in a big, gigantic geekgasm?
It's my birthday in 9 days, big 2-0, Invited 9 people round, not all have Pcs, but would it be okay If I showed people these pictures as a representation of how I would like the day to pan out? Will be a lot less glamorous than yours.
It's on the internet and public dude, show away!
Thanks! If it turns out half as fun as your LAN days look, would be a huge success :3
Happy birthday in 9 days!! I hope your party goes really well!
Are those folding white tables any good? I'm looking for a cheap(~$50)table for my dorm room net year.
I'd say it's worth paying a little extra and getting something that says "desk" more than "beer-pong table" if it's where you're going to be working for most of the year.
We no longer use it, but it worked quite well for a long time!
I use a $25 desk from IKEA. It's just a basic desk, but it's stable and has a lot of space.
I'd say go for it. I have mine in my dorm room and it's quite useful. I'd post a picture or two of how it looks but I'm fairly certain that'd give away exactly where I am.
I have so much tech shit in my room it blows my mind and I can't tell you how jealous I am of not having a solid group of gaming friends like you do.
You guys are a wild bunch
I wish my friends were this cool
Bro, get your fucking bare feet away from my mousepad.
I once had free time like his.
I am so jelly it isn't funny. /:
Ive been to your house for a eve mining lan party. Blew my mind when i looked through.
This made us laugh so hard, I'm teemo, white guy and hecarim Are sitting next to me
So jealous, looks like loads of fun!
This looks like the most kick ass LAN party ever.
How many people was it in total? Also your electrical bill must be through the roof!
These parties really don't impact it that much at all. I'd post a graph from my meter but Duke isn't letting me access it right now.
Looks like your crew is a lot like my crew. Stormtrooper helmet and all.
Damn I wish I could have lan parties like this
Dang that is one big-ass comfy looking chair.
How the hell are you all connecting to league without lagging. What modem/router/internet service you using brother?
I wish I still went to LAN parties this size once I started drinking!
You still can, there is still time
Awesome LAN! Looks like a blast. Hopefully they pitched in for your power bill :-P
Nope - I make plenty and it doesn't effect my bill hardly at all.
I sure hope I meet guys who pc gaming as much as I do in college.
Not sure if you guys have enough beers/alcohol
The dude wearing the Sennheisers knows whats up. Give him a fist bump and nod in my stead if you may please. Thanks!
The guy with the ipad reminds me of my friend that lans on his razer tablet, just roaming around screen looking playing bf3 on it
Where did you meet these friends? It'd be nice to be able to have that many friends all into gaming as much as that (me) and to be able to stick together, take lots of pictures, dont forget your parties, treasure them
This is a legitimate "Gaming House" . So cool man!
Bookmark for girls at the LAN party
I bet that place smells SO bad.
Lets be honest, it depends on the day....
Not at all actually. EDIT: unless my roommate has left a bunch of stuff, or Wes has puked on my chair again.
I want to be there.
That's alot of beer... can i join?
Drunk league is best league.
It gets hot as fuck in my house with two computers set up, I can only imagine how terrible it must get at your lans, does the body odor become unbearable?? I'm having a panic attack.
Whats that white laptop he is using?
Horseface vodka chug pic is mine now, hilarious.
This makes me so jealous! I don't know if it's my city or what but hardly anybody here is a pc gamer. The pc gamer friends I do have don't even live here for something epic like that.
Why save bud light bottles? Honestly, at least save the bottles of a good beer if you're going to do that.
Please, may I be your guys' friend? Must be great actually having friends.
Wish I had more than 3 people local where I live to play games with, but the rural south doesn't have many gamers
Can... can I come play...?
The guy that owns that house must be single. There is no other explanation.
I've never seen an in-home LAN party that organized. We usually have haphazard placement and rats-nest cables everywhere.
I wish I had friends.
Looks like it's time to recycle and get more kegs.
Your post hit me with one huge wave of nostalgia. I remember the LAN parties my friends and i used to have. Less horse masks and Gangnam Style (and somewhat crappier computers), but equally awesome.
Saw the yeungling bottles and I approve :D 10/10
Bud Light? At least get some respectable beer bottles if you're gonna display them!
Only bad part is league instead of dota :(
Look at all the beautiful women!
Lan parties with alcohol? Neat! Though it seems a bit weird, but if it's just two days in a row, I guess it's possible.
Album ruined by League of Legends
League of Legend is for casual fucks lol
Forever alone crab, you're free to it.
"Let's collect our empty beer bottles and display them so the Internet see how cool we are!" - 21 year old neckbeards
Says the forever alone Coolcomputersetupsor
Eyyyyy. i think i saw a girl
All that beer and nobody is drinking of pussies
That place must stink then... What a bunch of stinky gamers.
So your girls make you sandwhichs while you play, they have bee trained well. Good man

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