Work Station - Computer Setup


That, OP, is a damn nice triple monitor setup! Which monitors/stand are you using?
Here are the monitors I'm using, nothing special really but I love them. And this is the mount.
That case is very nice also.
Woo! We are 4670k brothers! :)
It's a solid CPU! OC'd to 3.8GHz!(:
I want the Black H440 :( lol I can't believe that they are sold out everywhere until April. Luckily you got yours! It looks great!
I've been waiting for what seems like forever! It's definitely been a hit. NZXT did a great job with this one.
I got a white one, my favorite case ever.
It is definitely one of the finest cases I've laid eyes on.
The cable management options on that case is even more beautiful than i thought. Bravo!
So do you like the GPU? Is it quiet? Nice fps? Can it handle 3 screens well?

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