Workstation - Computer Setup


God, those framed atheistpig comics made me cringe.
Meh, each to their own :-)
Don't worry OP. I'm on your side for both topics!
It was the song-stealing disco-reviving idiots wallpaper that did it for me.
From what I've heard, it's just Get Lucky that sounds like disco revival. Instant Crush is pretty dope.
What is that you do for your living?
Software Development for SME's (Small/Medium Enterprises).
I'm also curious about this, I like the idea of working for myself (which I'm sure most people do).
Love it, also love the use of the Daft Punk wallpaper =] Very well done!
Seemed appropriate as I've had Contact on a loop since 11am this morning ;).
Indeed, I just got my LP through the post today as well, was so excited. Made a post about it and everything!
Where did you get that LP?
Ordered from the Daft Punk store earlier this week. Got to me a few days early.
My jealousy knows no limits
I take it you ordered one too?
For a friends birthday yes, I rarely sit down to listen to music, I just order MP3s.
I see. Well I'm sure it should make it then on time. I'm in the UK if that helps at all, we might just get it a little early for whatever reason.
Its not his birthday till June, I think I'm good :P
Damn, that is some nice artwork.
Absolutely. Just ordered myself a new record deck. Should be here tomorrow. Non-stop RAM will commence tomorrow!
It's a strange album, at first I wasn't overwhelmingly impressed but I kept coming back for another I think it's the album of the year :).
I've read up about it and that's what a lot of people have said.
The best part is that with each listen I keep hearing new details that I like.
The whole album is a masterpiece and just gets better and better with every listen.
Is that a Timex Sinclair hanging on the wall?
Yep, One of that model was the first computer I ever owned (the one on the wall was bought as a dead unit, if it worked I'd have it hooked up to a TV somewhere in the office :) ).
Desktop is a custom build spec is
What purpose does the monitor on the wall serve?
Currently runs trello and/or gmail will eventually run ticket/gecko board like monitoring system.
You should hook up a CCTV system to it and pop a few cameras around your place.
Very nice Cherry Board!
Someone likes to downvote us :p

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