Workstation - Computer Setup


Damn that's a lot of dust
I know, it's pretty bad. Dusting is not one of my skills, I'm great with a bo-staff tho.
Damn beat me to it.
It dust not matter.
Do you have hard drive issues with your server? Cause i'd assume that sub woofer is one good thump away from crashing a drive :/
That actually a good point. I have not had any problems with the server, it has been working great for about a year now, no issues whatsoever.
In addition you may want to make sure that the sub is magnetically shielded. Many small subs are not and recommend that you not put anything sensitive close than 1 foot.
Oh. My. God. Same monitors, I agree completely, if you aren't looking at them at the perfect angle everything is sooo dark. I ended up blacking out the windows in my game room, but I plan to upgrade here soon.
Having an 18 month old, you don't have problems with him grabbing at all of your stuff? I swear my kid's first thing he does is go see what cool things he can grab off of Daddy's computer desk.
My little guy has another room where he sleeps. Most of his extra stuff ie, changing table, extra bed, clothes are stored in my office. Thankfully he doesnt get his hands on my cables too often.
I like your desk, where can I find one like it? That's almost exactly what I've been looking for but it seems a good desk like that is hard to find.
I built it. Ikea has parts that you can buy to piece together your own furniture/desk in this instance. I looked at several examples online and then bought the pieces I needed to accomplish my goal. Its a good desk but the one downside I think of is I wish I had more arm room. The 24" monitors seems close at times.
I'm in the same situation with our 4 month daughter. My gaming setup currently shares the room with her change table, future cot that she will sleep in when she gets too big to sleep in our room, and all her clothes and other baby stuff.
So true. It's been a wonderfully strange transition in life.

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