Workstation - Computer Setup


Why get a k version and keep it at stock?
When I bought it, I paid no more for the K version than the not K. I might overclock, but I want to get a new cooling block first.
Nice rig. My mom used to have that same computer until our house got struck by lightning. That piece of shit was the only thing that was ruined, I believe it was fate.
The universe did you a favor my friend. I'm more than likely going to just scrap the parts and rebuild it.
You're still using that stock cooler for that cpu? You should at least put a $30 heatsink on that. Priorities dude ha ha..
Ah, a fellow OCZ Vertex owner. I think you should change your title to;
Have a bad time? I've had zero issues with mine. Unless you call stupid fast boot times bad.
What? Bad time by what means?
Well yeah, I had a bad time because of the Vertex. The last two years I've gotten bluescreens in the finals of a League of Legends compo hosted by a yearly local LAN event
Huh, that blows. I did hear that the first models had their issues, maybe that was it. Or maybe I'm just lucky, but I've had zero issues.

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