Workstation - Computer Setup


This is in the basement of a new university library that I work in IT at. We are huge users of VDI, so this is mostly to monitor the resources that we have tied up in VMs for the rest of the library (in fact, you can see a zero client at one of the stations in the picture). The rest of the monitoring is for the rooms in the library with high tech equipment in them. We have lots of large display arrays and super high tech projectors that can all be controlled from this station. There are normally 4 chairs here, but I moved them so that you could see more in the picture. This station's not done yet, but it should be pretty cool when it is.
I see those university fees are really being put too good use.
Those big monitors. what are they?
Would also like to have their reference if possible :)
How much IT experience did you have in order to land that job?
Do you work at Wayne Enterprises?
What we won't mention is that we cleaned up and put pretty wallpapers on the as-of-yet unused computers underneath. This is the "control center" for our university library. It is still not up and running yet. Hopefully one of us will still be here to give you all a picture of it in all its glory.
Looks like something from a movie set.
Mind if I ask what kind of TVs those are?
Mm, dat lack of bezel.
I feel like Morgan Freeman should be standing in front of this telling us how wrong it is.
What the heck are you guys monitoring there
Those are the chairs that say "We're making too much money."
Holy shit, for how much is going on here, it is extremely clean. Except the cables on the right and left wings could be better I guess.
Thats some batman shit right there
Take it easy there, Lucious Fox. It is to be used for Good. Type your name, when you no longer believe it will serve good.
Is that chair good on your back?
I use one at work, is nice (looks like his has the midback support pillow block thing removed.

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