Workstation - Computer Setup


Jaw dropped when i saw the HHKB. Topre users are few and far between on this coolcomputersetups. Cheers.
The first one looked better imo
Yeah, decided to move it out into the dungeon some more people would have access to my collection of steam games.
Is that the idea placement for the speakers? They look to be like floor-standing speakers and seem too close to the wall. Just a newbie though so myb if it's right.
No those are not the ideal placement for the speakers, but I mainly use them to blast music and not for positional audio so they work alright for me, plus up there my cat can't scratch the fuck out of them.
How do the 660ti's in SLI work for you? I'm considering getting a 2nd one myself but I've heard some games have issues.
The 660ti's in SLI have been working amazing for me, I rarely run into problems with them most of my problems are usually me making poor decisions. It takes a little work to set up the surround and to configure the SLI but it's pretty straight forward.
What are the server racks for?
What do you use the servers for?

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