Workstation - Computer Setup


I don't think a computer sitting on a table can be considered a computer setup. Nice cable management though.
I see a TV and some speakers in the background on #2. We're good!
Well it would hardly be a computer setup without a beast to be battled on... :P
Cashing on double the Karma i see. Not that I really care though.
I posted some pics of the 6 monitor setup i have and thought this might go well with it...
First off, this is an incredible build. I wanted to build something like this myself but then decided I should get something cheaper (right choice because I don't use my computer much anyways).
Of course. I always like to give out suggestions. Even if people don't take them, at least it keeps them thinking about ways to improve and keep thinking outside the box. We can all do great things with the motivation of others.
Just FYI, i bought pre-sleeved extensions for all of my cables for about 100 bucks from frozencpu.
Yeah i have seen them around. I'm in Aus so its tough getting things sent here. i'd end up paying around $50 for shipping meaning $150+ for cables........... seems expensive :S
Okay, but where's the station?
This is a beautifully set-up rig! Love the case choice and the liquid color choice!
Oh man! That's yours? Aww sheeeyt. Very nice!
Depends if i remember to turn the fans on :P
You disgust me with your incredibly sexy build...
Don't know.. it was all purchased over time. To be honest i dont want to think about the cash that has been put into this haha
Yeah lets give it a go :)
I think you need more airflow.
Yeah i agree but i just can't fit more fans :(
Cable Management? are you there are actually cables in there?
This hardly constitutes a gaming setup. did we really need 15 redundant pictures?
Looks amazing, what are your specs?
Why did you go with 4 weaker cards instead of 2 higher end cards(780/TITAN)?
Isn't "buy what you can, add more later" a common and effective GPU strategy?
Yeah.. but quad sli is too much. You dont get the performance out of it. Tri SLI is probably where you should stop
Some people like to show off. Why stop at three if you can have 4 and 90% of the people you know think it is so much cooler?
Yeah people always see 4 cards and go "WOW, you have 4 cards!" to be honest before i tried quad sli i didn't realize that you didn't get a performance bump.
I am too nice to point out that my friend's i7/ 7770/ 16gb ram gaming PC is poorly balanced and sucks.
The 7770 isn't a bad card... but in that case it's definitely what would be holding him back. I wouldn't say it sucks, but it would seriously benefit from an upgrade to say... a r9 280x.
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here and say he probably already owned the cards from a previous build
I had 2 580's from when they first came out. Didn't have the spare cash for new cards (780's) but picked up 2 more 580's for like $200.
I'm guessing because he wants to be able to say "Quad SLI", even if it is inferior. No one would make a build like this seriously, it's obviously just for ricing purposes.
Or better CUDA performance. When the 700 series was not out, 580 beat everything in terms of CUDA
If you needed that much parallel power, wouldn't you move to a different platform or swap to professional grade hardware? I'm fairly sure their are quadros more powerful than the 580. Plus if you are SLI'ing them anyway, seems like 680 is a much better choice because you get far more parallelism.
Nice is that the new ASUS x79 board?
Yeah its the ASUS x79 but its not really new.. been around since 2011 came out..
Ah cool, I see now. For some reason I thought it looked like the new ASUS X79 Deluxe at first glance.
Nah just the older Asus Rampage Extreme IV. The new BLACK one looks really cool though. it might turn out to be too much black for my build though
Hey folks, I know it's cool, but can we encourage gaming setup pics. PCs are a huge part, and I get that, but that's just one part.
Cool build. What's going on with the 62 code?

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