Workstation - Computer Setup


<repost from deleted link> Stems are usually color coded on cherry switches, pull off a cap and you can see the stem!
It has a white stem. From my 30 seconds of research, it looks like Cherry white MX switches.
Why dosnt this have more bookmarks , I love it! I will post my setup when I have my desk done being built. I also have question I have bad eyes are those different monitors?
Those are! The middle one is an HP 2011x. The side ones are HP 2072a's.
I've been looking for a new desk, and I've seen quite a few that look similar to yours, but my biggest concern is how they've designed the legs in the corner area. Is it annoying to have the legs fill up space in the middle corner area?
RTX 2014 is going to be amazing! See ya there

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