Computer Setup


I don't even know what to say to you. That is amazing. What games do you play on there? (I have a feeling the answer will be CS 1.6)
I dont see how he can play any fps games with those screens vertical in that manner.
Asked myself the same question.
I built this so I could play minecraft.
TWIST: He is serious.
When I built my current rig, it was basically the last gen version of OP's build, except I went with three 580's instead of 570's. Anyway - at the time I was getting a lot of questions about what I even played on the thing and I lied every time. In fact, I bought Crysis, Crysis II, and Metro 2033 so it'd look to my friends like I was putting it to good use (on Steam). When in fact all I was doing was letting them idle in the background while I played Minecraft.
Though nowhere near as hardcore a system, I built mine a few years ago mainly for World of Warcraft which had (at the time) very modest requirements.
World of Warcraft, despite what people like to say is a very demanding game. The art is childish and over exaggerated, but the actual mechanics behind the game are very demanding on a system. In raids, surprisingly I get much better frame rates (very stable 120) because of the smaller amount of models and the fact that my CPU is very good. Out in the world, there can be many more people (thus, animated models) taxing on the CPU and GPU. Mostly, it's the CPU unable to handle 150 people plus NPCs in the city on max settings, but the GPU is also taxed much more heavily as well. This only really happens in large zones with lots of players, or cities. And it just dips down to 60fps.
TWIST: he only bought it for credit and doesn't use it for any games
Judging by no steam on desktop or taskbar... I'd have to agree.
If you have steam set to run by default, it can hide away in the taskbar and not clutter things up.
Don't lie it's for minesweeper.
Adventure mode is no joke.
My friend asked me the same thing. I'm getting a 7970 and he asked wtf I was going to play. I said CS GO and 1.6.
Fucking. Hell. So clean, cheers dude!
"I'm not humble" I presume that's a fridge in your living room?
That is a mini fridge in my bedroom! I'm a 20 year old sys admin who rents a room from his parents. Moms home cooking for the win!
Nice Dude. I'm 23 and live with my mom too. We live in a town home with my younger brother and I pay for over half the rent, a lot of people give me crap but since we're Hispanic it doesn't bother me at all, it's actually kinda normal within the culture. I don't plan on moving out until I'm married, which hopefully will be within the next few years if everything works out ;)
5500ish! I hope everything works out for you as well!
Your mom charges you rent?
Yeah, I make a lot of money and she says if I can afford to buy all these "toys" I can afford to pay rent. :\
Honest question. Wouldn't you rather live by yourself?
My parents don't bother me at all and they feed my dog. It isn't like I have a curfew or people can't be over/girls can't spend the night. I don't mind it, but I will actually be moving out next month if all go as plans.
Don't take any shit for your living arrangement. Friend of mine lived at home until she was almost 30 but she went to school, works full time, and saved her pennies and now her "first place" is a freakin house!
Damn, well home cooked meals are worth it.
My level of envy is immeasurable.
Sure it's measurablesame as the size of his paycheck minus your paycheck.
Now I'm poor AND sad.
Fucked up with the quote thing...
I can tell by your username. hug i'm in the same bad situation
Okay, okay. You have the 3 670's and I'll take the Comeback Kid poster. Awesome. So glad we could come to an agreement ;D
Awesome song and awesome album overall. Really great live as well. On a serious note, where'd you get the poster?
I bought it on e-bay, I don't think they have anymore on there though. I just checked you for! :(
Can you send me one of your gpu"s hehe. Awesome setup!
+10 points for Its Always In Philadelphia
Yeah you need 2 verticals on the side then a big one in the middle.
This is what I want to do, but it'd have to match up perfectly or else I'd be super ocd about it. Anyone know a good trio of IPS monitors to do this with?
Yeah how do you game like that?
TVs have larger pixels because they're meant to be viewed from some distance, whereas the monitors are very high resolution and densely packed, likely providing him a very noticeably better clarity.
Wow that's my dream system right there very nice. Also great tv I love the non fat borders.
I wish the monitors had the same size bezel as the TV! :(
Solution: buy 2 more identical TVs
Would you find it rude if i asked how much this whole setup cost you?
5640 if I include the mixer, microphone, webcam, speakers and head phones.
Which Logitech video camera is that?
Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 it looks like. I love mine.
Something 9000, its super old
Yesterday my life..was filled with raaaiin
Nice CBK poster. Also, why is it popular to have 3 vertical monitors opposed to something similar to your tv?
I have a U2412M as well, amazing monitor
+10 points for E-sports.
Anyone in the OC who wants to watch SC2 tournaments HOLLLLAAAAA
May I ask why you went with 3 670's instead of like 2 680's or 2 7970's? Just curious
The 680 is only 10% better then the 670 and I am planning on water cooling these cards and over clocking them. In my opinion you get a better bang for your buck this way.
Huh, I didn't know it was only 10% better for a extra 200$. Just wondering why you choose Nvadia over AMD, I Am planning on building a PC and just wondering if there is any specific reasoner advantage?
Not much point in buying a 680 atm, the difference between the 670 and 680 is unbelievably close, with boost clocks the 670 is actually faster.
Awesome comp, nice tv.
And people say GPU's don't scale... 1 per Dell Ultrasharp U2412M
What sort of gpu temps are we looking at? Also, FRANK!
I like it, but are you going to game on the three monitors? I'd like to see a picture of that. I don't think it would look good.
It would be great if nvidias software wasn't so bad :( I get horrible input lag when games are full screen so I have to play them in windowed mode
Oh god. That really stinks.
Can you show us how games look on those monitors?
I'm about to play some assassins creed so I'll show you in a second!
One would think you'd upgrade your desk and furniture, that looks very uncomfortable.
I just want a nice chair, I like my furniture though. It has sentimental value! :)
What monitor stand are you using? I need to get me one so I can do that with my monitors.
Why the h100 and why 3 670s for those resolutions?
I chose the H100 because I got a discount on it and so far its getting the job done. Eventually I'll make my own water cooling system but that probably won't be for a few months. I got the three cards because I am going to get three HP 1440p or 1600p monitors, they just haven't been in stock from where I buy them at :\
You should look at the Korean 1440p IPS monitors. They use the same LG A- panel that's found in the Apple Cinema display and the Dell line of IPS monitors. The best part is that you can pick them up for as little as $300 dollars or a bit above that. The brands you want to look for are Catleap, Shimian, and Crossover. (Yamasaki also runs in my head but I think they make the Catleap line of monitors).
I'm not skeptical at all, I know a lot of them are good and you just hear about the bad ones more often because everyone who has a bad experience has to complain.
Personally i would not run 2 SSDs in raid 0 since you lose the TRIM feature and you don't gain enough benefits for gaming. One SSD is more then enough in data transfer speeds and faster than a raid 0 in access times.
You sir, are a boss.
What kind of TV is that?
Are those corsairs passive or liquid?
How much money did you spend on all of that?
What do you use the computer for?
Games, work, graphic design, video editing, but mostly porn.
Honesty at it's finest.
This is impressive. I tried to turn one of my monitors portrait, but it made my set up look a tad odd. It is so much more useful for coding though...
Nice rig. I'm quite jealous. Also, great choice on the sound card. Razer products, not so much though. :P
What headphones are you using with that STX?
What kind of frame rates do you get?
3 way 670 SLI? I think its time for me to open up the tub of Vaseline and get my slug on.
Don't the 670's get hot being right up next to each other like that?
One day I hope I can have something half that awesome.
Jesus christ. How much did that PC cost? Like $5000+ ??
What monitor is the 4th?
Well SOMEONE'S got a fuckton of money...
What was the total cost in the end?
When did cat food eating become an e-sport?
How has the sound card worked out. I use one by SoundBlaster (Reacon Fatality) which works great, and just curious. Overall great build, you have some parts my dad wants and parts I almost bought.
That is one beast of a rig, good job! I'm impressed.
Badass, and the Comeback Kid poster just tops it off.
Sitting a bit close, aren't you?
Did I miss the sound card?
Up-vote for awesome setup and It's Always Sunny on the TV!!!!
Beautiful, mostly jealous of the monitors, but on the whole, that system is fantastic. Only small critique is about the Seagate drive, not a fan of Seagate. But that's just my personal preference. What kind keyboard is that? If it isn't mechanical, maybe something else I would change. But then again, personal preference. Thanks for sharing your awesome rig!
Upvoted for furniture and not being a humble clown! :)
How toasty do the cards get under load?
How much did you spend on that setup? minus the TV
Interested in that wallpaper...can you provide like Mr. Ho Ho on Cookie's Eve?
It's awesome except if I was spending that kind of money, I woud get supersspeed SLC SSDs.
Good lord. I'm jealous, brutal setup man. Very clean internals and room, too. You mentioned you're 20, I'm 21 and have no idea how you could afford all that 0_0 this is rude to ask so it's fine if you don't answer, but how much do you make at your job?
Under 100 and above 15 :)
Wow, thats great. how much was that rig?
This post is so pillar
Love the monitors, I've got two of them myself.
How much did the tower alone cost? I saw this on the front page and was wanting to build my own comp soonish
What game do you play the most with a beast such as this?
Care to upload some pics of your rig running some games? I've thought about doing something similar at home with three monitors but the black borders would drive me nuts I think.
Instant up-votes for IASIP on the big screen
Wow! I really like that desktop. Is that Rainmeter? And if it is, can you tell me what skin you're using?
Triple 670's i dont understand . . .?
Nice build dude! Looks like an absolute BEAST! I just wish you didn't ruin it with the current fad of vertical monitors...Oh, well.
As a guy who doesn't have cable.... I would like to know what "e - sports" is.
Why not just use a television for your monitor?
How much was that setup?
I was told having a 3rd graphic card is pointless because of the bus speed, what are your thoughts ?
My favorite part was Danny Devito
You should have bought a better chair. I use that one and it's very uncomfortable.
Searched for 690 and only found some dude posting his rig to compare.
Holy Cow, another Hardcore Kid!
Danny Devito waddling through Patty's pub. You my friend just received an bookmark.
How much was the total build?
That looks like a mighty powerful rig you have there, although I don't know why you settled with the 670. Sure, I have only ONE of them and it kicks arse, but I can only run BF3 with 2xAA in 1080 without noticing reduced framerates.
Damn you and your epic build! I want one!
I wasn't jealous until the three gpu's and the three monitors. I have a nearby 55 incher too... However, I went AMD and Radeon. Merry christmas :)
What the fuck do YOU do for a living? Jesus, you must be a doctor or an engineer or something.
Can someone explain to me the connecting of multiple graphics cards together?
It's Always Sunny is the cherry on top.
It makes me weep how you can afford this and i cant.
Why 670's for multi-monitor gaming?
Hey just out of curiosity OP, what do you do for a living and what do you earn per month/year?
Vertically oriented monitors, oh god why.
It's nice to have money this time of year. I hope you enjoyed your Battle Station. Merry Xmas lads. And for those who are having quite a bad xmas, like me, just try to make the most out of it.
How's that TV? I'm looking to buy a similar one that's a 55LM6XX I'm gonna get a 42LM620/640.
What do you do for a living and can I pay you to take whatever tests are necessary for me to get there too?
How could those cards possibly be cooled?!
What was your budget for this? And how's your monthly power bill
If you take out those monitors from its cases you can have even more thinner bezels. Check out hardforum gaming setup thread.
How do the 3x EVGA 670 preform?
What's the maximum power drain? Did you have to upgrade the circuit?
I can't tell if I hate you because of that awesome setup, or I fucking love you for that awesome setup.
Haha, you and I have the same taste in cases. Bravo.
Oh the jealousy I have right now. Sweet setup.
That last 5% you forgot to do :/
Very nice setup. Loving the triple portrait. Very sleek.
What clocking are you using on your 3930? I wasn't able to get mine past 4.6 without cranking the voltage past 1.35. If I recall I could only get 4.8+ if I had it to ~1.45 46x100. Also, where did you manage to cram that STX? Very last slot?
You don't have a girlfriend this Christmas do you? I'm so jealous you smart bastard
The monitors in these pictures look so much better than they do on Newegg's website... are they different or am I just crazy?
I only came to this coolcomputersetups once. THIS is a monster station.
Well... I'm just gonna ask it. Why triple-SLI 670s?
I just orgasmed from the overkill nature of your new build. I am so jealous.
When it comes to bundles, I am.
So i dont know if you are aware or not but the CPU you purchased does not support PCIe 3.0, none of the 2nd Gen i7's do.
Why three 670s? Why not a single 690?

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