It probably has reflective surfaces that reflected the camera flash.
Yeah haha. It was funny it came out like that. It's just some plastic that got reflected from the flash.
How are those headphones, I have heard that they are good for surround sound but are they comfortable? Do your ears touch the felt covering the speaker?
I have those headphones, they are super comfortable and great for movies and gaming. They're good for music too but there's a closed-back version that I think is supposed to be better if that's your main thing. I might buy a pair of those for the office. The cushions sit comfortably around the outsides of my ear and exert nearly no pressure on the sides of my head. I decided to get new headphones after I got glasses and my old ones were pushing the arms into my head, these ones were specifically recommended for that.
Simple answer: yes. Out of all of the headphones/headsets I've used extensively, these are the most comfortable.
Upvote for Audio-Technica's and the AT wing system.
Great computer setup. I did find Parker a fantastic movie (It is the movie that he/she is watching for those who don't know)
How do you like your AD700s? I had a pair of 900's and absolutely loved them. Assuming open cans are good for you.
Always happy to see a good mechanical keyboard on this coolcomputersetups.
I did it for abut 6 months.. parents basement and a LOT of pot.